Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wyatt's Birthday Card is Famous!

Wyatt loves the preschool channel Sprout and every day they celebrate those having a birthday. So, I knew I wanted to see if they would celebrate Wyatt's especially since his birthday is the day after Christmas. I want to always make it special and to see yourself on tv has to make the year unique, right? We went online to see what we needed to do. They only accept "HANDMADE" birthday cards. As a graphic designer, I thought no problem I can make a really nice card and print it out. Then, after seeing the instructions I thought that is not handmade so I needed to go "old-school." I got out my glue, construction paper, markers, and stickers etc. and got to work. It took me way too long to make, but I was so invested I had to do it and see if it makes it on the air. I had to mail it 2 weeks in advance! I procrastinate so if you know me it was a piece of "love" the night before or should I say early morning of the mailing.

I actually woke up first on Wyatt's birthday and headed straight for the tv as the show starts at 8 am. The boys quickly followed. At 9:30 am we captured the 2nd round of the birthdays and as the video above shows...we were excited to see Wyatt's card was first! PRAISE! I could have cried at the sight of it. Actually, at first I had kind of forgotten what it looked like to be honest. I am still in awe that his card made it. I love how you can hear Wyatt over my exclamations commenting on the card. He really does appreciate it all which makes it so worth while to me!

I can't believe he is 3! Time flies!

Wyatt's birthday card makes it on tv!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

He's 3!

The holidays were CRAZY this year. You would think I would be used to the new routine of non-stop celebration, but I am not any better at it 3 years later. Ken is a saint to put up with me because I embody the word stress. However, the holidays were fabulous for us. Spending time with family is just the best because we are so blessed to have an amazing family support system.

Wyatt's birthday theme was picked: Mickey Mouse. I quickly chose denial! Waiting to December to order decorations etc. Having a birthday party the day after Christmas does pose some we do it all. Decorations, balloons and of course the cake. I did feel a bit of pressure after last year's truck cake. Several people kept asking me so what are you going to do this year for Wyatt's birthday. Yikes. I actually tried to steer Wyatt into picking Mickey as his theme and then once he did I thought he is a world-known character how are you going to match a three year-olds expectations...okay really my own. I quickly realized within the 2nd week of December that a Mickey cake pan is not available in stores when you need one. Plus, do I want to purchase one for one cake? I decided to give up on the pan and try to convince Wyatt that a "Mickey Ears" cake was the way to go. By the grace of God Ken's co-worker who has everything Disney heard of my plight and came to the rescue by lending us the pan. Okay...have the what! The internet helped in a big way. I also flew to the Wilton store (12/23) for the official coloring for the icing. To put it all in to perspective for you...I had finished our shopping very late in the evening on the 22nd. We need to do all our wrapping (team effort) on the evening of the 23rd. Which left me Christmas Eve to do the cake...not a problem...I can start it and finish Christmas night. We found out on the evening of the 23rd that we were having a showing of our condo mid morning. Yikes! I was lucky enough to bake one of the cakes before heading to church that afternoon and then on to a family dinner...which lead to this progress.

December 24, 2011 - Mickey Cake progress begins...

One chocolate cake Mickey...face down and crumb coated.

I know you are confused. Wait for it.

Christmas Eve night. I bake a white cake and his face is flawless! He earns the top layer.
Now, I am terrified to flip this cake on to the other. Ken offers but I knew if cracked in the process that it needed to be my fault. If you know what I mean. :)

I show Mickey's progress to Wyatt on Christmas day and he is not that impressed.

December 25 - Mickey's progress continues...

After a less than satisfied coloring of black with the official Mickey black coloring I go with the one store bought can that I had so I could only go so far at 2:30 am. Still needed more black icing and the face (skin tone) to go which was the part I was most nervous about.

December 26th - Mickey is finally done at lunchtime! Whew!

Ken ran out to get me more icing in the morning and I was able to mix up Mickey's skin tone which turned out great. However, my icing bag and tip or icing would't cooperate and looked runny so I had to literally paint on his face with a brush. By lunch time he was done with Wyatt climbing up in the chair beside me because he constantly wanted to be by Mickey when I was finishing him. He loved it and that makes it all worth it!

I worried about where to place the candle. In the end it had to be less about my cake-art and more about Wyatt's Birthday.

The video below all of his family who came over to celebrate. It was intimate and great! I really need to start planning for next year!

I will post some Christmas photos later on this week. I am doing things a bit backwards.

Hope you all have a glorious New Year!

Ours will start off with lots of new changes. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Day of Preschool!

First Day of Preschool - Thursday, September 8, 2011

Even though I knew exactly when the first day of preschool would be...months to prepare...I found myself running around the night before like it was sprung on me at the last minute. I was definitely more nervous than Wyatt that he was going to Preschool. Making me think, "Who's first day of school is it?" Funny because he went into the classroom like he has done it everyday. I had hoped that our few visits to see his room and peek through the window would pay off and it did. Wyatt did fabulous...a few children had some separation anxiety, but it didn't phase him one bit as he found the table with the tools on it. Wyatt was so interested in all the toys that our presence was not need at all. Which is exactly what the teacher told us when she said, 'whenever you can make your exit...please do so.' A.K.A. Wyatt is doing great so you are free to go. I knew she was right because it has always been my practice to get him in and make my exit and his has always done great because he knows I will be "right back." Wyatt kissed us quickly and we found ourselves walking out of the room in slight bewilderment. Don't get me wrong I was ELATED that he took to school so well...answered prayers. Today was day two and we were early and had to wait to get into his room. He kept telling me, "I want to go in Mommy." Music to my ears. He ran in and began to play not even needing to say goodbye. Tonight as Ken was getting Wyatt ready for bed Wyatt told us he wanted to go back to school tomorrow. Now it just doesn't get better than that.

Hope you all are having a great week!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

So long Summer...

Thank you for sticking with us even though I inadvertently took the summer off. Not sure I can redeem myself, but I thought a photo montage of our summer might help a little bit. So, it will be a little less commentary and MORE photos!

Here is our summer in a nutshell!

It was a steamy summer!

It was a summer of a few firsts...Wyatt took his first carousel ride at Brookfield Zoo. He wanted to ride the giraffe but someone got to him first. The seahorse turned out to be perfect!
We had a Knutson family musical!
Wyatt enjoyed his first lollipop during his first Pet Parade!

Father's Day 2011 - Kane County Cougars Game

Off to run the bases after the game.

Father & Son running the bases = Priceless

Home Improvement - not all homes have two handymen.

Have you heard? We put our condo on the market in July 2011. Click here if you are interested in a 3 bedroom condo.

Wyatt and his BFF Brutie!

A visit to Morton Arboretum in August 2011.

He will model for lollipops!

Ah, a boy's paradise: the treehouse.

Ginza Festival in oldtown Chicago.

We all were mesmerized by the talent.

Ken was dressed for the festival, but boys will be boys!

Playing at the park after the festival.

You would be crazy not to try the Starbuck's Cake Pops.

Sunday afternoon at the Knutson's

Wyatt before he was buckled in for his first bike ride - September 2011. Funny how the trailer only fits on Mommy's bike. LOL.

Coming soon: Potty Training and Preschool!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Is It Summer Yet?

Life has been a little crazy for me lately so my apologies for anyone who checks to see if there are any postings. My plan is to get better as the posts are my way to chronicle Wyatt's childhood in a sense. So, I am going to go from more recent to past items in this posting.

Ah, the holiday was a nice mixture of family and relaxation. Wyatt recently acquired a lawn mower thanks to a dear friend who found a deal and it is used inside and out! If you push or ride it he loves it. Sometimes the lawn mower doubles as a vacuum cleaner.

Memorial Day - 2011

As parade season is upon us...I asked Ken to make sure that Wyatt was ready to enjoy the ride that I loved as a child...riding on my Dad's shoulders. Considering how tall Ken is I knew that it would be awesome and the look and sound of joy and laughter that was expressed said it all. Wyatt loves being on Ken's shoulders and it will be the best seat on any parade route.

The key is to make sure Wyatt holds on!

Ahh...Jump Zone! Our small group met there to let our children play together and have fun. It was Wyatt's first time really to experience one and he took it all in. Mainly, he watched a lot. He loved to sit in the car video game chairs because of the steering wheels of course. Could this be a glimpse of the future?

Okay so you are wondering...did he love jumping or sliding down the huge inflated slides? Hmmm. Not so much. When one of the bouncy houses was absolutely empty I coaxed Wyatt to get in and got this photo. We will be back and I am sure as he gets better at climbing he will be more comfortable and more adventurous.

Wyatt is showing more signs of "being 2;" however, we are still blessed to have such an amazing little boy. I have signed him up for preschool for two days a week coming this fall. Wah! I think he will love it, but time is flying too fast for me. Right now, Wyatt is very into balls and running. He loves to be outside and mostly going to the park...climbing but not sliding down the slides. Swings have always been a favorite and release ultimate joy for him. He loves his Cubs hat and will just wear it around the house even in his pajamas. We got him some play tools recently and he is always fixing things around the house.

I am thinking about writing down the phrases I say to him that I never thought would ever come out of my mouth for example, "no lawn mowers in the bathroom."

Hope you all had a great May...we are looking forward to the summer!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We have had a full and blessed weekend! Our Saturday morning was pretty routine as the guys got up to eat breakfast and I slowly followed much later. This past Saturday marked a milestone for us as Wyatt had his first swimming lesson...maybe I should say Ken and Wyatt had their first swimming lesson. Of course Ken knows how to swim, but this is prime Father and Son bonding. I took a quick photo as they hurried on to their first lesson...Wyatt running down the hall saying, "bye Mama." I wondered how it would go as Wyatt is usually timid about entering the water at first without a bit of coaxing. I am told that he did extremely well as the lesson included: paddling, kicking and splashing...what two-year old wouldn't LOVE that for 30 minutes. He is anxious to go again next week.

After a insanely busy work week for me, I finally invited my family to Easter brunch the day before Easter. Yes, terrible of me...right. They all graciously accepted the invitation. We pulled it all together and it was really nice. Add to it that I missplaced the plastic eggs so Wyatt searched for about 5 eggs this morning till Grandma came to the rescue and had a basket full plus another bag as she and Wyatt's cousin placed them throughout the condo for him to find. He was still finding eggs into the evening. However, putting on his Easter outfit was definitely one of my favorite moments of the day not to mention walking into to church early with the two best looking guys in the world. I promised photos and even included a family shot...hmmm Christmas card? Maybe if I get desperate.

Yes, I got him a blazer. He has worn it twice and more to come. He actually loves it!

A nice smile...what a blessing.

We are all smiling!

The entire trio looking at the camera! Watch out we come. LOL.

I like to brag that Wyatt eats his vegetables...but what two-year old likes to eat them frozen? Ours! My Mom had mentioned to me that he wanted one once when she had them out and then he continually requested them. I laughed about it and was just thankful he would eat vegetables no matter warm or cold. Today it happened to me...request after request...why not, right? Especially when a majority or all of his two year old molars are/have broken thru.

Hope you all have a great week! Blessings to all.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Cut Above the Rest!



Can you see the difference? I wish I would have taken his bib off before I took either picture, but the eyes on the "before" and the smile on the "after" was just too good to pass up. We took Wyatt for his spring haircut and I had to document the results. His hair was getting so long and driving me crazy. So, yesterday we headed to the mall to get his haircut. Along with Grandma and Pa we have been talking up the "cut" big time. You know to the point were he is now telling us he needs one. In case you may have forgotten getting a haircut in the past was not - I repeat not one of Wyatt's favorite things. I quickly dreaded the day myself. If you were walking by at the time you would have thought we were torturing him. He would just cry and cry and try to bust out of the taxi or train that I/we had chosen to put him in...because his choice would have been to not go at all. The cartoons that are shown for the children's entertainment were never a factor for him, nor was any toy or food item I tried to use to distract him. Nothing seemed to distract him from this lady touching his head. During his last haircut, I sat with him on my lap and he did remarkably better...tip wear a cape too. I took my own advice and wore a cape this time. We were not the only ones that decided a haircut was the "thing" to do on Saturday so the car, train and horse were all taken by perfectly content children getting their Easter do's. So, not really planning on it I said "he can just sit on my lap." I am HAPPY to report that he did not cry at all! He was entertained by the boy that came to sit next to us in the train that was crying and trying to escape. Ah the good ol' days...not. My heart went out to the stylist and Dad...been there done that and now look at my son I thought to myself. Our stylist asked me about clippers versus scissors and I have always been "pro" clippers especially since Wyatt has not liked the experience and we can go about 3 months between haircuts so it has always been worth it. Although, I do like for them to use scissors on top. This time she threw out an added clipper question to me a "3 or a 4" thinking shorter means we can wait longer to his next cut I quickly chose 3. The clippers numbers is something Ken always mentioned when going to get a haircut and I had never been asked when it came to, I will take the toddler clipper size please. Well, she started to use the #3 on the side of his head and the amount of hair that came off with it made me wish I could hit undo like I do on my computer. Wow...that was super short! "I went too short" I thought immediately..."he will have no hair." "Does he have the head shape for a crew cut" as I looked to the boys around me who all seemed to be getting them. Since, you can't "undo" hair I had to sit and watch as she continued. I thought "what have I done" as she continued and hair fell the ground. Even the lady cutting said 'he has a lot of hair.' However, as she continued and moved on to cutting the top with scissors I was relieved to see that it was perfectly short. He looked so different Ken and I couldn't believe how much older and adorable he looked and pair it with that he sat on my lap without this was my child! I mean this was our child! It was actually fun...we cut, we walked, we saw the Easter Bunny (from afar) and rode a little car with the thanks of Daddy's quarters and went home for lunch. A perfect start to a Saturday after Ken's blueberry pancakes of course.

We went to church and celebrated Palm Sunday today and Wyatt is starting to understand why he came home with a real and man-made palm...he loves to wave them. Next week is Easter and I will definitely post a photo of his Easter outfit. I can't wait to see it myself.

Hope you all have a wonderful holy week. Blessings to all.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Watch Out for that Cute Shark!

Sorry, has it been two and half weeks since I have last posted! I have been sick and this cold has been horrendous...I am still not over it, but at least my voice is back. I am just praying that Wyatt won't get it. So far so good. He has a new molar and somewhat of a runny nose but not a cold that I can tell. I am praying that he stays healthy. It is hard to stay your distance from a two-year old that wants to be in your arms at all times. He is now saying "hugs Mama and a kiss." Melt my heart.

Well, let's see what have we done since my last post. We took Wyatt to the restaurant where the train delivers your food. It was a huge hit. Considering it was a Saturday...about the busiest day to go we got seated at the counter quickly and since Wyatt is such a people watcher coupled with the trains running around it was a huge hit.

Last weekend, Ken and I were asked to be on a marriage panel for a pre-marital seminar. Having lost my voice I was nervous to attend but luckily I had enough of a voice to participate. The questions were great and it was fun to recount the days of being newly married and our "growing" pains. It was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be...yet another reminder that I am so blessed to have the husband that I do. One question that we were asked is what is the most surprising thing that you discovered about your spouse. I immediately knew my answer. "How INCREDIBLY thoughtful he is." Not that I didn't know he was thoughtful when we were dating or engaged, but how truly incredibly thoughtful he is on a daily basis or even what an amazing Dad he is to Wyatt...that it continues to surprise me after almost five years of marriage. I don't tell Ken that enough and it was nice to be able to say it to a room full of engaged couples. You really think you know your spouse, well guess what? It can even get better.

We also had lunch with wonderful friends from out-of-town. They were gracious enough to give Wyatt an early Easter basket. In the basket was an adorable personalized shark bath towel that Wyatt adores. I captured a couple of the photos (shown above) right after bath time as he couldn't wait to wear his new shark towel.

Wyatt's latest passion is numbers and seeing them change on the clocks in the kitchen. He will stand and wait for the minutes to pass just to see the numbers change. It can be quite handy when you need to comb his hair. LOL.

This weekend we are to have spring and summer like temperatures...can't wait.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A short update on my favorite little person. I promised that I would capture the "dance" that Wyatt does when he likes food. Seriously, when he hears that we are having pizza, chips or better yet anything he really likes he does this "dance of joy." You know the dance I will be doing when March Madness is over. Opps, did I just say that? Anyway, Wyatt did this dance (view the short video above) after his first taste of Cinnamon Roll (okay might not be his first, but it was the most memorable).

A huge blessing that I enjoy is sleeping in and Ken gets up with Wyatt...okay I don't sleep but rest my eyes and listen to the two of them is heaven to me. Ken often makes pancakes but recently he made waffles and bacon and could hear the excitement in Wyatt's voice while waiting for the desired breakfast to hit the plate. My favorite was his "Mmmmmmmmm Mmmmmm" that was repeated over and over as he ate his waffles and bacon. Of course "more bacon Daddy" was a common request.

Another funny thing Wyatt likes to do especially when we are coloring...he likes for me to make something that is big and something that is "teenie meenie" and he shows me with his fingers just how "teenie meenie" it needs to be. Popular requests are for a big heart and a "teenie meenie" heart or a big sun and a "teenie meenie" sun. He laughs everytime he says "teenie meenie"...too cute.

Do you know a child that has an imaginary friend? Now you do...Wyatt has one maybe more. I have confirmation on a red bunny who pops up at our house and Grandma's house frequently. Grandma and I have noticed that the red bunny (rare bunny in these parts) is always hiding under the dining room table no matter what house he is in. Wyatt either calls him loudly or goes under the table to persuade him to get out. Along those same lines Wyatt has even named his large white teddy bear this week. He was "big teddy" and then out of the blue he started to call him "Archie." I found out that a little neighboring dog that lives near Grandma's house is named Archie; however, they had not seen him in quite awhile. Too funny, but the name fits perfectly.

Today, we ventured to the zoo with Wyatt's three cousins which was fun to see Wyatt run after his 5 year old cousin following her wherever she went...she even got him to go down the slides at the zoo with her (holding hands and in her lap). Priceless. So, cute to see all the cousins running and playing together and looking and laughing at the animals and one another.

It looks like winter may return this week so I hope it will get it out of its system so we can get used to some spring-like weather. May you all have a reason to do the "dance of joy" this week.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mama Whatchya Doin’?

Blessings in the midst of UGH!

This past Sunday as I was putting Wyatt’s coat on to go to church he looked right into my eyes and said ‘We have a big house Mommy.’ My immediate thought was “our condo/our house?” Just as I was about to reiterate this statement and needed him to clarify that he could not possibly be thinking of the small space we live in; I watched as his eyes began to scan up and down our hallway. Taking a breath and zipping up his winter coat, I smiled and looked into his eyes and said, “Yes, we do live in a big house don’t we. We are so blessed.” Wow, nothing like a two-year old for God to place things into perspective for you. I get teary thinking about it because like so many others I long for that HGTV dream home that has beautiful bathrooms and kitchen along with a yard and maybe two cars. Ugh, did I just admit to that…well it is true. Now back to reality which if you look at it is even better than the dream. So, I am counting my blessings which is really what you should do during Lent anyway. I did give up chips, but I have decided that I really need to add something to my every day routine to find God in my every day. Some days are a LOT easier than others. Although, when I stopped to really look, it wasn’t that hard to see Him. Have you ever had a moment where someone sacrifices greatly (life-changing) to help you? This just happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I am still wrestling with it just because it is such a huge gift to wrap my mind around that I was and am left speechless. No amount of thanking could ever be enough. A Lenten message? I got it. Really look at your life…can you see how blessed you are? To stop looking at what you don’t have, what you want, what could be more and look at what is truly good in your life. I have and it is extremely humbling.

This week with the incredible devastation in Japan our hearts and prayers are with all the people there. Ken actually taught in Sendai so this is even closer to home for him as he has such a love for Japan and its people. I am just heartbroken as I watch the coverage and can’t help but immediately think “what if” this would have happened when he was living there. We are so thankful to hear that our friends in Japan are okay and were not near the hardest hit areas. Please join us in praying for Japan and its people...they need it now more than ever.

Wyatt will help me end on a couple of light notes. Wyatt has a new phrase or better yet a question that he likes to repeat often and by often I mean multiple times per minute. The phrase: "Mama Whatchya Doin’?" Riding in the car is the one place that it can drive my a little batty and of course I am not the one driving. Ken also gets the question, but not nearly as often as I do. I deserve it. My question to my Mom was "What's that?" Can you imagine? My Mom would open her mouth to answer me and I was pointing and asking it multiple times with a minute. Wahh. So, yes...I am due. Also, it is no secret that Brutie (his stuffed dog) is Wyatt's best friend, and I am always finding new ways to make him laugh and Brutie is always a BIG help in making this happen. On occasion Brutie likes to crawl under Wyatt’s shirt to tickle his tummy and this past Sunday, Tigger also joined in on the fun and I captured a few photos. Dare you not to laugh. Enjoy!

Honestly, this was at his request!

A few years later...opps I mean a few minutes later after running around laughing.

Ta-Da! Tigger and Brutie.

Brutie always gets kisses.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Shakin' your Bacon!

No matter what type of week or day I have I know I am blessed with Wyatt's outlook on life. He undoubtedly will make me smile and laugh reminding me of how lucky I am. Ken currently plays basketball one night a week and this week Wyatt ran to his closet with him when he went to get ready and well... problem! long as he doesn't wear his Daddy's hat.

Wyatt assures me he could work around it.

Wearing his Daddy's hat and shoes...priceless.

Ready to go!

Daddy you ready?

Is it a coincidence that Ken shot the game winning free throw at the game? Hopefully, Wyatt will have Ken's athleticism.
You are probably wondering so what does the "Shakin' your Bacon" title have to do with basketball, right? Actually, nothing at all. Wyatt is currently on his way to eating what we eat...sorry Gerber. Not totally there, but I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. Wyatt's new LOVE is bacon. I mean he LOVES it. Yes, he is my child for sure. I didn't think it was that memorable, but when Ken made us bacon a week or so ago I did a little "shakin' your bacon" dance. If it gets a laugh...I will pretty much try it...just to hear his laugh. Now Wyatt likes to tell Ken that he loves bacon and he does a lil' shakin' his bacon dance as well. Sorry, I don't have a video...yet! Did I mention that he also does a dance when he gets a tortilla chip? I need to capture that as well. Some people's taste buds dance and others just need to dance when they eat something good. Hope you all have a moment this week that just makes you dance!