Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Day in the Life...

Wyatt's personality is starting to really form and my guess...he is going to have a really funny side. This "kodak moment" (strainer on the head) is a common sight in our house...I just had to capture and share it. If only he would have worn the head piece at Halloween. LOL. Along with added head accessories, Wyatt is perfecting his favorite song at the moment. Wish it was seasonal, but maybe come December we will have another song to add to the blog. His current favorite is "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and even though this video doesn't do him justice because he really does know the song, but it is cute just the same. He tends to get caught up in the fact that I am filming him. Ken's back-up singing is spot-on! I am finding that I am singing it to myself lately. Enjoy!

Hope you all have a great week! Blessings to you all.


When is the last time you had a really good night sleep?
Even Wyatt's best friend...Brutie looks like he is enjoying a good night's sleep. I miss footie pajamas...so warm.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Date with the VeggieTales!

Wyatt and I at the VeggieTales show - Wyatt's 1st show!
I took the day off on Friday to spend some quality time with Wyatt and to take him to his first LIVE show...the VeggieTales came to our church. We had tickets to see the 11:30 a.m. show, unfortunately that show had been cancelled so our tickets were upgraded for the 2:30 p.m. show. So, nice to have the upgrade. We had a great morning and a very short nap (1 hour) but things were going smoothly...always better than no nap at all. We arrived at church about 15 minutes before the show and sat in the fourth row. To my complete surprise Wyatt sat on my lap for the entire show. Yes, my almost two year old sat on my lap for the show...well, when he wasn't standing in it. Wyatt loved the singing and the "light show" that played on the ceiling in shapes. The show was really Wyatt's introduction to VeggieTales and I think they will be a hit in our house. We had been listening to cd's in the car and he loves the music and asks us to sing along.

No smile, but the characters in the background make me laugh as they all seem to be peeking out from around Wyatt.

The show had one intermission and well...we should have probably ducked out at that point. The lack on nap started to affect him at the end. However, we did make it. The opportunity to meet the characters for a photo op afterwards did not happen. We tried, but the line was long and he was "done" about 15 minutes or so before the show ended so I tried for a few photos in front of the banner in the lobby. Thanks to our good friend "Miss Lorri" who was volunteering at the show and gracious enough to take our photo to document the occasion. Tip: take some photos before the show when everyone is fresh and hopefully in the mood dto smile! : )

The show was great and still under the age of 2 he did so great. Loved to people watch as much as the show. So, friendly to everyone around us. I was so proud of him and so glad I took him. Our first official Mommy - Son Date!

This week is Thanksgiving and we are hosting so it will be a lot of fun! Wyatt will be able to have all the trimmings this year so that will be great to see. We are so blessed and thankful! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Are you counting down? No worries...I will do it for you. One month and eight days till Wyatt is 2! In so many ways he is already there. We are currently in the "nooooooooooo" phase. His general answer to everything is "nooooooooooooooooo" unless you ask him if he would like cheese and then he will run to the refrigerator ahead of you. However, with the "No" phase also comes the milestone of being able to eat by himself. I must admit I have been avoiding this milestone because of the mess. Yes...I am a neat-nick. Being the only female in the house, I am the clean one and am known for it.

I had a fear of going Wyatt's doctor appointment next month for his second year check-up and having to tell her that he is not eating by himself yet because I have a of fear giving him the spoon. Get over it, right! So, I went out and bought him new utensils, bowl and a plate that practically suction cups to his tray. The bowl in this picture is a dream come true...and I documented the first time I put applesauce in a bowl and gave him the spoon and walked away. As you can see he is a natural and neat!

November 17, 2010 - Wyatt ate 90% of his applesauce by himself!

Loves his new spoon!

Wyatt's Mom loves his new bowl!

Look at that form!

This week holds one more milestone that I know about for sure. Wyatt will be attending his first live show...VeggieTales! Friday we will be sitting down front...I know the songs will be a hit and hoping the LIVE show will be an attention grabber because tv/dvds are just not something Wyatt pays attention to for long...so we shall see what he thinks about the show. Stay tuned.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

All smiles...

Wyatt is growing up so fast...I am feeling compelled to capture the moment daily. He looked so adorable in this outfit that I had to snap a shot of him...and he actually posed for me!

Wyatt has been quite the humorist lately and even loves to walk backwards down the hallway or walk on his toes to the laughter of his Dad.

Wyatt wore this to church today and I still can't get over that he will be two at the end of next month. I am just not ready...in more ways than one. Just like I am not ready for all the boy exploits that I will encounter. This weekend we have survived falling off the bed...tripping and hitting his head and fingers stuck in a door. All extremely minor...no injuries, but the drama of it all may have shortened my life a bit. LOL. However, with the drama comes the love for our hugs and kisses and the joy in seeing/being with Mommy and Daddy. Have a great week...the rumor is we are to have one last stretch of warmer weather. PRAISE!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

An Apple a Day...

You just never know when you are going to encounter a "first." I am truly blessed to be able to work from home two days a week and it allows me to spend time with Wyatt I would otherwise not have at all. Today, I had fed him lunch before Ken had come home for a quick lunch. As Ken was getting things out of the refrigerator he had an assistant. Well, I had put an apple on one of the shelves and Wyatt immediately grabbed it. Ken told him he would cut it up and would give him some...with those words still hanging in the air, we watched in awe as Wyatt started to bite into the apple like he eats them all the time. I thought he must of seen "Pa" (my Dad) do it because I don't believe he ever saw Ken or I eat a whole apple without slicing it. We really didn't think he would break through the skin, but were amazed to see him enjoying the challenge.

Before we knew it...he was quite proud of himself as he got past the skin and into the middle. He ate 25-50% of the apple all by himself. Luckily, I had the camera nearby and captured the moment.

Wyatt was so excited to have the apple all to himself...you can even see the apple juice on his chin. Maybe it was just the excitement of wearing a Northwest Missouri State University sweatshirt for the first time...okay...nah, it was the apple. My sister-in-law gave me the sweatshirt as I had given it to my niece...now both Wyatt and I can wear our NWMSU sweatshirts.

Hoping you all have a fabulous "first" this week! Blessings.