Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy First Birthday - Wyatt!

(Wyatt enjoying his first birthday cake.)
It is hard to believe that Wyatt is now a year old! How fast the first year flies by. The joy in our lives overflows with his addition to our family.
Poor thing has his birthday the day after Christmas. Ken and I will always strive to make Christmas entirely separate from his birthday. No combo gifts unless that is his wish.
Feeling better...he was back to his old-self on his birthday. We had a family birthday party in the afternoon and our condo was packed full of fun and birthday wishes and presents! Wyatt loved having everyone sing to him. He loved his cake and so did his hair! Too cute. Ken decided that his birthday should be his first sledding experience. No coincidence that he got a red sled from his parents for his birthday. Since, we had a winter wonderland it was a perfect way to close the party festivities.

(Wyatt being pulled on his new sled by his cousin!)

Many ask me what is Wyatt up to here is a quick summary...Walking with assistance (really good at it around Thanksgiving). Crawling (the week before Christmas - rather walk)! Loves to pull himself up on...well anything he can! Wyatt's vocabulary seems to double weekly. He can now say: Mama, Da-Da, Gigi, Pappa, Pa, Bye-Bye, hat, apple, up, out and car. He can wave and do a couple sign language signs and of course tell you how old he is. He also loves to twirl his tongue. Genius, right? He gets it from Ken. Okay the tongue thing...I used to do that too.

This week, he visits the doctor for his one year check-up. Any guesses for height and weight?

Happy New Year! Blessings to you and your family!
I hope you will continue to join us on our journey in 2010.

Happy Holidays!

(This was our Christmas Card this year.)

December has been a whirlwind for us and I have been lack on my blogging. Please forgive the delay in posting. We hope you all had a glorious Christmas!

I am frequently asked if Wyatt ever cries...well I was tempted to delete these photos from the camera, but thought you all might get a kick out of seeing the pre-photos before getting the shot that we decided upon for our cards. I really thought we might not have a photo card this year, but luckily our cover boy just needed another Christmas accessory to turn the photo shoot around. Praise.
(Wyatt not enjoying our Christmas Card photo shoot.)

(This was a close 2nd for our card, but the hat and smile
combo made the other photo a winner!)

Ken and I realized that Christmas Eve and Christmas will no longer be a calm holiday for us. We enjoyed our Christmas Eve day...baking and doing last minute Christmas preparations/crafts. Wyatt was so good. We then went to our first Family Christmas Eve Service at our church (no more candlelight services for us for awhile) and had front row seats for an incredible service full of music and singing. Wyatt loved watching the band and the children perform. We then headed to Grandma and Pa's house for the evening.

During dinner Wyatt seemed tired so he had a nap as the rest of us finished dinner and had dessert. He woke up in good spirits, but was very warm and running a fever so we quickly opened presents and headed home where we were relieved that he no longer felt like he had a fever. So, into his pj's he went...he seemed hungry so I gave him some fruit and yogurt since he did not finish his dinner at my folks. Well, minutes after that snack he was sick and continued to be through the late hours of the evening. Nothing can prepare you for the helplessness you feel when your baby is sick. I told Ken that I thought it was a toss up between labor and his being sick. I'd rather be the one in pain. Seriously. I now have this incredibly empathy for Wyatt and Ken since Wyatt's birth. It is crazy...if they feel ill so do I...I know it is in my head, but I am not used to it. Ugh. I made it. Anywho, I was up with Wyatt thru the night. He woke up on Christmas morning in a better mood and obviously feeling better. No fever. I got my Christmas wish. Although, not feeling too comfortable because he can't tell me if he is still feeling ill. A morning nap, but not willing to take an afternoon nap and we were on our way to Ken's folks for Christmas. Wyatt did great and we had a wonderful time. He of course is spoiled by all his Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Many thanks to them all. We are blessed!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Winter is here!

Wyatt is not a huge fan of putting on the winter
garb, but isn't he cute!

Snow is in the we had to break out the warm coat and hat. I swear I can see him growing each day. Not to mention the talking. Saying new words ("up" and "out") and catching on to walking as well. Wyatt's laugh still is my favorite thing to hear and he is ticklish so it is easy to get him to do it. Reading is also a favorite past time....hmmm...a mini-Ken! He loved getting his Thanksgiving card from Gigi and Pappa. Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wyatt enjoying some toys given to us from a lady I
work with...many thanks he loves them!
Sorry, it has been so long since I have made a post. A cold has and is making its way around our house and add to the mix that I had a big project for work as well. It is hard to believe that we may get snow and that the holiday marks Wyatt's 11 month. So, you know what that means...his Mom better get her act together in regards to Christmas and his 1st birthday! WAH. I was trying to remember back what I was feeling a year ago. Most definitely thinking I better be prepared for his not much different just insert birthday party in its place. I have bought a few items today so I am further along than I was yesterday. Still a long way to go.

We have some new milestones to report! Wyatt now can sit up on his own...if you lay him on the turn around and "wow" he is up and sitting looking right at you. When he is sitting up in his crib it still surprises me. Wyatt is now getting really good at cute. I believe Ken is his favorite person to wave at...hi and bye. Today, I bought Wyatt new shoes so he can get better at standing and hopefully walking in the future with more of a sole on his shoes. Yes, I said walking - even though he is not really crawling yet. He can move in a circle but the legs haven't caught on yet. Once they do we are in trouble. He gets up on his knees and rocks so I thought any day. Maybe that day will be tomorrow. In the meantime, I am encouraging standing and walking. I doubt he will spend much time crawling because he loves to stand and jump in place. He loves to talk and babble...I think we could have a talker on our hands.
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and will take time out to step back from whatever you have planned to take a moment to give thanks. This year our cup overflows.
To Gigi and Papa in Florida...we miss you and look forward to seeing you soon.
We love you both!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Let me introduce you to Wyatt's new buddy, "Pary" graciously given to him by Ken's Aunt for Halloween. He is definitely a treat as Wyatt loves his animals and an added treat is that he loves to hear Ken and I say "ruff" in regards to what a dog says. The laughing is contagious so I will have to remember that when it comes to holiday photos.

Not much is new with us...we are working on some new milestones, but nothing to report. Well, this is one I am excited about - Wyatt will now hold out his arms when putting on his jacket. It really is the small things that are the best. He really loves to see and call out to cars and "rucks" (trucks) now. Tonight, he was sitting on the blanket playing with his toys as Ken and I ate dinner. I was amazed how he just sat there and didn't attempt to go anywhere. He sat and laughed and about cute. I can't wait to see if the laugh changes with is so adorable.

We are blessed and hoping your week shows you that you are as well.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Did He Just Say...

Each day we feel like Wyatt is doing something new. I could post many photos or video clips of him eating cheese, yogurt melts, puffs or bread by himself with ease and confidence; but I have held back. Now the following clip is not the best but hopefully you will get a taste of what we are now "wow-ed" with Wyatt thanks to my Mom. I know I have said it before but Grandma's are fabulous! Wyatt is blessed with two that just love him to the moon and back again! My Mom takes care of Wyatt and is great about teaching him things and like his Dad this boy is smart. My Mom told us last week that he said "car" because he loves to look out their living room window to watch the cars go by and she says car each time they see one. Wishful thinking...that is what you are thinking, right? Well, I did too at first...then we were in the car and from the back seat we heard it and then again at my Mom's when a car passed by. WOW! He is saying CAR! The camera throws him off but you can hear him say it.

I really thought crawling would be next (since he is up on his knees often and rocking back and forth), but words are soooooooooo FABULOUS! Honestly, we have heard the rumblings of his next word...truck...a little hard to say, but the framework is there. I also hear "duck" when he sees one and his version of quack - quack. Once they are perfected I will try to get it on camera.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Did you guess dinosaur? Many thanks to friends for loaning us this adorable costume...Wyatt is a dinosaur for his first Halloween. We already went trick-or-treating at our cousins and plan to make a few more stops after nap time this afternoon. It is quite chilly and windy today, but the sun is shining at times so that is nice.

We hope you all have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today, we started with a seasonal flu shot (not H1N1) and Wyatt was not affected by the shot (God bless that nurse), but he did not like the fact that he had to lay down to get the shot and get weighed (start guessing his weight the answer will be under one of the following photos). We will go back after Thanksgiving to get his follow-up booster shot. The only after affects to the shot or for today was that he would not nap...just played in his crib. He went to bed at 7 p.m. so maybe he is just ahead of the time change. Hopefully that will mean an easy day for Grandma tomorrow. today a shot, we lowered his crib because pulling himself up is not far off, and finally I CUT his hair! I have been talking about it and procrastinating because I was worried that he would look like...well, that "I cut his hair." Wyatt needed a bath so I thought hopefully the rubber duck would keep him occupied. Worked pretty well. Well, you be the judge...but I am pleased that he still looks good...could I be a baby stylist? ha. ha. Hmmmm...

Have you guessed his weight yet?

It was a quick weigh-in but he is now over 23 pounds.

I also made homemade natural applesauce...with many, many thanks to Maryann my co-worker who generously gave us apples from her trip to Michigan and to Gigi and Pappa who contributed many as well. If you don't mind peeling them (thanks Ken for helping - it made it go by so much faster). It really is a piece of cake to make if you have a crockpot...I really need to make more in that magic pot. It was done after Wyatt was done eating, but tomorrow he will get his first taste and I must say...Mmmmmmmmmmmm!

I joined facebook this week - yes it is true. It is fun to reconnect with friends and family that I rarely get to talk to and it is amazing to know what is happening with all of them when they are hundreds of miles away. I believe my cousin in Texas read this blog and was humored by Wyatt's sleeping style. She wondered if Wyatt had a monkey...well...of course...but believe it or not it is because of his cousin Mary has given him two of his BEST friends (Maynard = the large monkey and Dangles = the small guy in the photo below). Growing-up my cousin shared a love of stuffed animals like I monkey was white and named Flake (his nickname from Snowflake) and his was my favorite and traveled with me to college. So, I took a photo of Wyatt's pals for her!

Tomorrow, Wyatt goes to his first Halloween party! Don't worry I won't forget to blog on or before Halloween with Wyatt's first costume. Have a great Friday!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Anything BUT Milk!

I am going to try to blog more since Gigi and Pappa are in Florida and will be checking-in to see what excitement we have going on here. So, I will do my best to add new and fun tidbits.

Every night, I check on Wyatt countless times before turning in myself. Seeing his sleeping positions are so funny. Prior posts can attest to that as well. I told Ken that we needed to take a photo of him sleeping with his legs up on the crib slats. You really can't enjoy it unless you see it so I finally documented it so he would know when he is older the common way he fell asleep. Too funny.

Now that Wyatt is ten months old it is really fun to see him pass milestones so quickly by learning daily. Feeding him is so entertaining...we can break off pieces of bread or give him puffs and he will eat them by himself with ease. My Mom treats him to Cheerios and tells me he is excited at the sight of the box. One of Ken's favorite things to feed him is pieces of banana and Wyatt LOVES it! I tried giving him parts of a grape and he ate it with veteran speed. Cheese is next...that texture should be entertaining.

More banana - Da-Da!

This Thursday, Wyatt will get his flu shot so pray we have the nurse that we had at our last pediatric crying with our last shot so here's hoping for a repeat performance.

Halloween is Saturday...have you guessed what Wyatt will be? Hmmmm.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Sorry for the lapse in blogging. This Sunday, we all walked in the CROP Walk (walk for hunger) with a few teens from YoungLife (christian outreach for teens) as Ken has been volunteering with them. Many thanks to all who supported us in our walking whether it was financially ($250!) or in prayer. We had an absolutely beautiful day which was welcomed after the awful cold and rainy weather we have been enjoying. Above you will see my handsome co-walker and roller!

Wyatt's front teeth are now visable and coming in nicely. He will look different next month when they are all the way in. Is this photo priceless...I caught him doing it!
Hmmm...hungry? Wah.

He is also a grinder...yes...hibbie jibbies for me to hear him grind the bottom and top teeth together even though they are not full in. Wah. I deserve it though because when I was guessed it! I am a recovering teeth grinder.

We have been blessed by the outpouring of love to Wyatt as we had not needed to buy him clothes. This is true. Just a few things here and there. was time and this past week, Wyatt and I picked the sqeakiest shopping cart at Kohl's and were on a mission for pj's, winter clothes and a jacket and snow pants. No shoes in his size, but the sale was awesome. Footie pajamas and some fleece sweats etc...and we were heading home with a bag full of goodies. He was great in the store so he must be a mall baby too...we shall see.
My brother and his family gave Wyatt a set of pajamas for the season...Halloween that is...our lil' monster is so adorable.

Hope your day is blessed!
We are also lucky enough to borrow a Halloween costume from friends so I will try my best to do a trick or treat blog on Halloween. Ken and I both doubled over in laughter to see him in costume. Half the fun is the anticipation...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Having a Ball!

October is here...the air is crisp and fall has least that is what Wyatt tells me as he looks into his crystal ball. Ha. Ha. Seriously, this is a common view as Wyatt enjoys his exersaucer. He is our studious one. This is how I know he takes after Ken...he loves to study people, objects...everything! How do they get those little balls in with the fish? Hmmmm...
Saturday, Wyatt and I found ourselves inside for the day...too crummy to go outside at all. So, I got out his new favorite toys (many thanks to my co-worker and her boys for giving them to us - the fun lives on) and was amazed when he picked up a ball and placed it in the hole that it is to fall thru. Okay...he didn't let go of it, but he placed it there enough times that I was able to get this photo. I was ready to capture the moment! It didn't happen, but if you let go of the ball you can't readily suck on it. Makes sense, right?

Ken and I can see the little boy emerging daily...his laugh is so infectious it is crazy. How is it possible to love someone so much....a love that is just indescribable.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Got teeth?

Isn't this cute?
Last week, Ken and I celebrated our three year anniversary and went out to dinner just the two of us. Wedded bliss can make time fly by when you least expect it. Three

As we reached a milestone Wyatt soon followed. Turning 9 months old on Saturday...I could tell he wanted to have something for everyone to talk we are proud to report that Wyatt is now experimenting with sign language. He is smart like his Dad! So far we have taught him two signs: milk and more. He understands the milk sign with enthusiasm and might have attempted it a few times to me, but it could have been wishful thinking on my part. Recently, he began signing "more" in his highchair and once for me while we were getting ready yesterday morning. We are not sure if he is mimicking us or if he truly understands the meaning. Either way he can do it in his own way which is very exciting. He is also clapping which with the signs we are teaching him is all very familiar so we shall see how he can hone in on his skills in the future. (Many thanks and love to Grandma for helping him with his Patty-Cake skills!)
Wyatt is also in the midst of getting both of his front teeth on top which will go nicely with the two he is sporting on the bottom. Tuesday, we went to the doctor for his nine month check-up so start figuring how tall you think he may be or if you have held him recently if he will surpass his two-year old cousin on the scales. No crawling yet, but that may be on the horizon any day now as well.

Nine months old!

Can you see the teeth coming in?

Do you have your guess ready?

Wyatt is now 22 pounds and 7 ounces and 30 1/8 inches long!

Hope you all are having a wonderful week!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

3 for 1! Yes...Three Blogs in One!


Too cute! Four teeth? Sorry, no it is just the flash.

Steppin' Out!

Sorry for my delay in bloggin'. A crazy week is behind me and I am blessed. I have to talk about what I did with Wyatt last weekend...on Grandparent's Day. Last Sunday, it was beautiful and Ken went to play 9 holes of golf with his Dad and I decided that Wyatt and I were not going to spend the day in the condo. We were going to take a walk and enjoy the day. So, about 11:30 a.m. I got him in the stroller, packed a bottle and away we went to take a nice long walk. Now, I was going to wait till the end of the blog to say how far I went, but I think you all need some "WOW" factor to continue to read. We walked a total of 7.5 Miles! Yes, you read that right. Believe me around 6 miles I was ready to be done and was definitely thinking why did I decide to walk this far.

Wyatt and I walked to downtown Hinsdale and I must say it is just one of the cutest little towns near us and on Sunday it is quiet, but certain spots bustle with a weekday mentality. We sat on one of the middle school benches across from a church and Wyatt enjoyed a drink while watching all the cars and listening to the chimes of the church. It was quite sunny and this bench was under a large maple tree and not only provided ample shade, but a perfect breeze as well. We just had the best time. I am thinking that we need to get in a few picnics before the weather gets too cold. I had not brought anything for myself, but in the future I will pack "Ma-Ma" a treat too.

My main concern was diaper changing...what if he needed one? I had the supplies, but where would I do it? On someone's lawn? That is really all we passed until we got to the downtown area. Luckily, my son loves to walk and this was not an issue...this time. We got home around 3 p.m. Yes, again you read that right.

Does Wyatt get antsy has been a popular question. Believe it or not...not at all! When he is tired he dozes off for an hour and wakes up to new sights. He just loved it. Ken couldn't believe how long we were gone and how far we went...well a Mom just needs to get out of the house. ha. ha. So, I think we will do it again.

I am also proud to report that we have given the Grandparents a new photo of Wyatt to grace their 5 x 7 frames. Ken's sister gave Wyatt this adorable short outfit and he looks so adorable in it...I just knew he would be photogenic in it. The 2nd photo above is not the one that made the "frame cut", but if the flash had not bounced off his tongue to look like he had buck teeth it would have been "the one." The 1st photo is the "chosen one." I was the photographer and so excited that he sat so sweetly for it. Don't get me wrong...I definitely worked to get this photo. Hard to believe that in just a few days he will be 9 months old. Wow. Time really is flying. "Ma- Ma" is at daily frequency now and I am loving it!

Loving the high chair!

You read that right. Wyatt has graduated to his high chair. Yes, Wyatt has sat in a high chair GiGi and Papa's house. We got out his new chair...a big thank you to all my co-workers who bought it for him. HE LOVES IT! It is hard to believe that we are days away from Wyatt being 9 months old. Thinking that he is almost as old as I was pregnant with timing is different. He is such an incredible joy and I can't believe that soon I will be cutting up food and dumping cheerios on his tray for him to eat by himself. This weekend, I decided I needed to actively get him to hold his bottle and tonight he did it pretty much by himself. Sometimes it is too heavy, but I knew he could do it.

Wow...what will this week bring in milestones?

Green Thumb?

I am not a green thumb in any definition of the term, but this year we have flowers! Ken and I decided that we wanted flowers to enjoy when we are on the deck. The black dirt was just not that exciting. Although, having a baby changes your priorities and your "want" to spend your "free time" digging in the dirt. Okay, I was lazy, wanted flowers and was willing to take a chance to get them. So, we tried out the Roll n' Grow! Have you heard of this? If you are a apologies because you will not like this blog. At the beginning (first two to three weeks after the "unroll," I was not impressed...granted we were late in planting it...okay laying it in the dirt.) I had seriously thought I had wasted our money. Ken deserves all the credit to the amazing flowers because he was committed to watering it and we have flowers today. Oh and maybe to my adding Miracle Grow flower food on the rare occassion may have helped a little. This is what it looks like today...

Impressive for rolling out a blanket of seeds and just watering them, right!

This past week has been good and not-so-good, but it has been a great reminder to me what is important in life. I am truly blessed and loved and that is an amazing feeling when you realize it and concentrate on it.

I hope you have a great week!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Aren't holiday weekends fabulous? Many would consider our long weekend as uneventful, but to me it was ABSOLUTE HEAVEN. Am I getting old and boring? Maybe, but I am loving it. We went on long walks, saw family, my handsome husband cooked and we relaxed a LOT! I slept in....thanks to Ken. The weekend was really nice. Working from home the day after is also priceless. You know you are blessed when you work in shorts and a t-shirt and can get up from your desk and see your baby boy sound asleep in his crib.
So the title of this blog piece is Ma-Ma. I am not afraid to say that I am anxious to hear Wyatt call me "Ma-Ma" and not something "close to it." "Na-Na" is not my dream name coming from him. I think it is so adorable to hear Wyatt saying "Da-Da" over and over every morning in different pitches. Not to mention the bazillion times he says it during the day. So, like I did for "Da-Da" I am campaigning hard for Wyatt's next word to be "Ma-Ma." He gives me a wide smile every time I say it to him...making me think he is truly loving my efforts and a bit humored by them...knowing he is in control. happened. September 9, 2009 around 7:30ish p.m. He said it twice tonight right to me and I can't hear it enough. Does he say it like he knows it is my name...don't think so, but I am not picky at all. He will.

He is also tilting his head and doing this face or rather a "sniffing" thing with Ken that is too funny...the photos above document it. I need to get it on video, but his fascination with the camera is keeping him from doing it "on film.". It all started when I was trying to clear his nose one night and said to him it would just be easier if you just could blow it out and I demonstrated it for him. Well, you would have thought it was the most funny thing he has ever seen...he laughed hysterically every time we did it. Hoping it was the new thing to make him laugh Ken continued to do the sniffing and he exaggerated wrinkling up his nose to get him to do it and well the little guy just mimicked him. They love to do it to one is like their secret language.

I knew I was making an impression on Wyatt when I went in to see him sleeping surrounded nightly by his stuffed animals and how much he LOVES to play with them. I loved stuffed animals as a child...who am I kidding I still do! So, no doubt his love for his furry friends comes from me including them in our play time. Brutus his stuffed dog is one of his favorites alongside his monkeys (Dangles and Maynard) and his Bears. I caught Wyatt and Brutus in such a cute pose I had to share it with you all.

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I had this dream or expectation for myself as a new Mom that I would get Wyatt's picture taken at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months to document his first year of growth. So at 3+ months we headed to Sears and came away with two adorable shots of him smiling! Gave them out to Grandparents and family with the plan that we would update this photo in the future every 3 months. So along comes the 6 month milestone. Hmm...and there it went...and the calendar shows 8 months coming up fast. I tell myself that I need to wait till Ken is home from Japan to get the photos because it is more fun if both of us are sweating it, right? Da-Da is Wyatt's own personal rock star anyway so I thought we couldn't go wrong if he was there. Plus, we should get a family shot as well. Are you laughing yet in anticipation?

The 22nd of August would be the day! All of us dressed casual and in corresponding colors yet not matching. I didn't want the most adorable family photo to be too "awhhhhhhhhh" if you know what I mean. So, we get there on time and wait for our studio to be ready. We start off with the family shot. I realized that it is difficult to get your 7 month old to smile at the young photographer when he is sitting on your lap. Trying all the tricks I can think of and then be composed to look normal myself. What is "normal" anyway? We finish the family shots thinking we have some great photos.

Now it is time for Wyatt's solo shoot. I had brought the squeaky wrench that gets him to smile everytime and had already given it to the young girl taking the photos. So, I position Wyatt as instructed and he sits stoic for every shot as the young girl clicks away. Hello...I want a smiling photo. I am artistic and can understand that those can be great photos, but trust me this boy can smile and I love it when he does! It doesn't help that I want the perfect shot and having a digital camera...I delete a LOT! So, if you can picture me literally sweating to get Wyatt to crack a smile...which he won't. He rather lay on the backdrop with his head down...I think he wanted to sample the texture of the fabric with his tongue. All the while the young photographer is clicking away like these are the best photos. No matter what Ken and I tried he just wasn't feeling it. So...we are done (literally) and I know I don't have one shot of him smiling, but have hope for the family photo. Now we wait as she adds borders and text to different shots so we can buy those as well. As a graphic designer those are not my favorite. Wyatt and I take a few dozen laps around the baby department as we await the viewing. Ken waves us over and I say to Wyatt..."this shall be fun...I bet you didn't smile in any, right?" I hate it when my Mom's intuition is right. The family photo is kinda okay. So we got it. We got one shot of Wyatt, but I don't even know why we did...I won't be giving it out.
That brings us to my we go back at 9 months and try again. I shouldn't give up, right? One bad time shouldn't taint how I feel about going back. The lady photographer we had the first time was awesome so maybe we could get lucky and get someone like her again. I think I will take my own photo shoots as well as a back-up. I may do one outside this weekend to make-up for the "lost shots" and the bad ones which are ready for pick-up! Yea.
Maybe Wyatt felt the pressure because I told him he needed to smile for all the photos because future girlfriends and his wife will be viewing these photos so they needed to be cute. Whoops...too much pressure. The photo at the beginning of this long story is days after the photo shoot and if you look closely you will see he is sporting his two adorable bottom teeth.

Have a wonderful long weekend! Happy Labor Day to all.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to Bloggin'

Hi! I am back...I wish I could say we were on vacation or something, but unfortunately nothing that exciting. Well, that is not entirely true. I had a birthday. Before I start on that...the first couple of photos were from August 11th...see I was trying to get photos to update the blog, but the "blogger" let life take over. So, those who visit to see if I wrote something new...thank you for your patience. Truly work has been crazy and that is no excuse except day and night it really has been hectic. Which is good for any consulting company with the economy the way it I am not complaining (at least not after the fact) if it means that my job is getting more secure by day. Did I mention having Ken home is heaven. Honestly, he is one amazing Dad and husband.

Wyatt agrees with me!

My birthday was Monday the 17th after I had worked through the weekend...I was happy that I had taken the day off! I awoke to awesome decorations, breakfast, flowers and presents! What more could a girl want? Yes, I still say girl! Stop laughing all of you that know the truth. Isn't Ken amazing...he is hiding some talents I didn't know about and plan to tap in the future. Seriously, do you see the balloon centerpiece! I am better about my birthday than I use to be. I can't even begin to tell you about people I pray for daily that are really struggling with health issues. Why would I think to shun a day that people sing to me, call me or send me cards (thank you to so many friends and family that filled my dining room table with birthday wishes) to celebrate my life! So...I have decided to always take the day off and enjoy it! I would like for it to be one of "our family things" that we do always.
I know I am not in many of the photos on the blog so for my birthday I had Ken take a photo of me and Wyatt. I think I will put more photos of me on the blog from time to time to remind me that I need to get back to my old self and to hold me accountable. Blah...Blah.

What did I do on my birthday? In two words = Kohler Spa! It was my birthday so I went all out. My Mom and I enjoyed the lavish pampering with a lemon drop pedicure. We never had masques put on our legs before...they love try it! I took my Mom because not only is she one of my best friends, but I love her more than I can ever express. She voluntary watches Wyatt and that is the GREATEST gift to me/us. So, there is no doubt she needs pampering too and I would not be here without her! (Give birth and you will definitely love your Mom in a whole new way.) I can go to work and never worry and know Wyatt is getting all the love in the world and that is priceless to Ken and I. Wyatt is so blessed with 4 INCREDIBLE Grandparents that just love and adore him. Who am I kidding...we ALL are blessed!
My Mom treated me to a fabulous lunch. Ken and I went out to dinner in Oak Brook at a restaurant that has incredible views of Chicago. So a lovely day that ended with a date with my handsome husband and not one meal to make or dish to wash!

This photo is just because he looked so cute...he sat for an hour in his bumbo, talked to me and helped me cook dinner. No joke! Did I mention I cut his hair. I should have video of it...with scissors...not an option with "Mr. Curiosity." Plus, it is not my gift and I was incredibly nervous that he would look awful. True story...I used my eyebrow shaper. It worked...thinned it out where it needed it...and it was like combing his hair...not a peep out of him. It took awhile and several sessions, but he looks better.

Isn't this the best. Even Brutus (stuffed dog) tried to mimic this move. Yes, Wyatt is now rolling over in his crib and sometimes falls asleep in fun positions. This was too funny not to document.
I see I got a bit winded so I will end it here and tease you with the subject for my next blog. Wyatt/Our Family's latest photo shoot at Sears.

Hope you all had a great weekend and were able to get some rest like we did!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Ahhh...Summer! It finally has arrived. Aunt Mary came to visit and so did the summer temperatures. Thanks to Gigi and Papa we were able to have a few firsts over the weekend. A new colorful and stylish bathing suit and a visit to the pool to keep cool. Sorry, I didn't know Ken was going to dive off the diving board or I would have had the camera in hand to capture it for all of you. Despite the photos...Wyatt had a great time in the kiddie pool. I think he thought it would be one place Mommy would not take the camera. Hard to believe that next year, we will be trying to keep him from running around the pool. photos of Shar in a bathing suit...yes that is correct...this blogger is in control! Ha. Ha.

Da-Da and Wyatt after the "big dive"...a perfect 10!

We had a great time over the weekend (many thanks to Gigi and Papa)...with family and especially Aunt Mary. It was so great to see her and catch-up. We are counting on her visiting again in October.

I had a milestone of my own and I am not afraid to mention it. It is not easy having a baby late in your 30's especially when weight loss has never been easy for me...a bigger challenge now more than ever. Anywho...I squeezed into shorts this weekend that I haven't worn since B.W. (Before Wyatt)! Yes...I think I did a dance or two. Squeezed is the primary word here, but I can breathe and sit in them! YES! Sizes (plural is correct) smaller than pants I wear to work...ah yes...clothes for women where you can wear a size 6 in one thing and a 14 in another. I can thank my squeezing due to practically two weeks of salads or baked potato dinners I had when Ken was in Japan. I am not near where I want to be size wise, but I am on my the grace of God. Now, if you see me you won't notice the difference but my shorts do and it helps with my self confidence especially with a birthday not too far off.

As you can see my blogging is back to once a week (I will try for more) with Ken back from Japan. Thank you all for the support and prayers while he was gone. Wyatt and I could feel them all...after all we SURVIVED!

Wyatt tidbits: He is teething again...not sure what teeth, but my guess is up top. He is rolling and will rock back on his knees although no crawling yet. He is babbling more than ever and practicing making high and low sounds. His new babbling word is Na-Na...many want to believe he is saying Ma-Ma, but it is clearly a "N" so maybe soon. He is a FABULOUS eater...I think we will be adding another solid food feeding soon to the two he is presently getting because he is just devouring his meals. Each day is a new adventure...can't wait to see what this week will hold.

Have a glorious week!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Da-Da is HOME! It has been awhile since I have posted mainly due to my work load. So, I have been sleeping when not at the computer...actually that is almost true. Anywho...Wyatt and I are just elated that Ken is back home. It was adorable to see how excited Wyatt was when he saw Ken. Da-Da is his personal rock star! Not much new with us. Wyatt is now getting up on his knees on occassion so I am sure crawling is not too far in the future. I am back to taking relaxing showers - I just don't know how single Mom's do it...they are truly amazing Mom's. I missed Ken...having him back is priceless to me.

This weekend Ken's Aunt is in town so we will be having lots of fun and family gatherings so we are looking forward to spending time catching up with her.

My Mom was incredibly generous with her time while Ken was away and moved her schedule around to accommodate mine, taking me to the train...picking me up...watching Wyatt...etc. etc. Wyatt and I felt so loved! Many thanks are the best!

Have a great weekend! Stay cool...