Monday, May 31, 2010


This month has been a busy one and I am behind on my blog. This memorial day weekend we went to the pool and had so much fun that I forgot to take photos. In a word...spray sunscreen is genius and a true blessing to a Mom. Wyatt also loves to play peek-a-boo so we snapped this photo tonight. Other than that we went to the park and stayed in due to the heat or pouring rain.

Last weekend, we took Wyatt for his first visit to the zoo. Thanks to Gigi and Papa we will be able to go back again and again this summer. We stopped by the petting zoo and Wyatt absolutely loved to pet and get up close and personal with the animals. We had a great time!

My boys and the bison!
Ever have a week in which you realized how blessed you really are...not just a little or lucky, but incredibly blessed...I had one of those weeks. So, I look forward to looking ahead and seeing how we can spread that to others. Have a great week!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The First Straw

Talk about a crazy is flying by...a mirror of last week. Last Sunday, was Mother's Day and I can say that hearing my adorable son run into our bedroom with a smile on his face and saying "Hi, Mamma" was priceless to me. Ken really gives me Mother's Day everyday by getting up first to get Wyatt. A gift I get every day and I do not take it for granted. We went to a Mother's Day brunch at my brother-in-law's mother's house. We had a fabulous time! Then we came home for a short nap and then we were off to dinner at my parent's house. A day full of good food, family, laughter and fun.
Wyatt is changing everyday...he surprises me by what he can learn and how fast he can learn it and remember it. He is now using 2-words and just recently 3-words together at a time. Examples: Mama Choo-Choo, Cheese Pease (Please) Dada and I see Mama...etc. He will try to say anything we do so we now need to be careful because our lil' parrot is always listening. He has had a cold, but it is practically gone and it has made its way thru our house so we are all sleeping better. Our big news...Wyatt is now drinking out of a straw! (See photos below.) Many thanks to Grandma who gave it a try this week (12th) and he loves it! I have also been playing "chase" with him before putting him to bed and he loves it. I run with him following me and I hide and say boo when he rounds the corner...he squeals with laughter and says more. I think he may be the type that will like scary/horror movies and laugh at them. What would normal scare other little children makes him laugh hysterically.

Wyatt trying on his new sandles! He loves shoes.

He took to the straw right away this week. Loves how much drink you get out of it.

Wyatt has been very blessed lately with the generosity of his grandparents. Gigi and Papa brought him back a LOT of clothes from an adorable store in Florida...our summer blogs will be sporting the greatest outfits so stay tuned. Grandma and Pa also bought him his sandles (photos of him trying them on shown above) so they will be the perfect accessory to his new clothes. What a lucky little boy!

This week is Grandma's birthday! A very Happy Birthday to Wyatt's Grandma who we love and adore for ALL she does for us. Have a great week!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Just a Snippet!

Have you guessed it? Yes, on Friday we conquered our fear...I think it was really my fear. Wyatt received his first professional haircut! After days of feeling like I was giving him a bath when I did his hair...I decided it was time to let a professional do the trimming. We dropped Ken off at work after lunch and headed to the mall. We had many recommendations and handsome heads that said this was the place to go. We walked in and within minutes Wyatt was sitting in a yellow taxi cab. Unfortunately, I did decide not to have a dvd of the experience...just thinking only his future wife would really enjoy watching it. We had a few tears and a couple tries to escape, but with a few puffs he did fabulous...granted he was used to Mommy being his stylist. I was only able to grab my camera and grab this shot at the end...well it was the best out of the three and he was ready to exit his cab experience.

This morning he felt you all would like a profile shot of the new "do".

I found that I was really the nervous one about getting his haircut. Not sure why, but I will definitely take him back because it was just a few minutes and his "new" stylist was fast and fabulous. I can't get over how much I love the cut. Why did I drag my feet for so long? He loves to touch it and say haircut. I also love that it looks good when he wakes up in the morning...I'm jealous.

The warmer weather has let us breakout the short sleeves! We are constantly going to our park and pond that is just steps away from home to swing and see the ducks. Wyatt really loves being outside and can't wait to swing! Some new words have come from going to the park: mulch, light, sky and flag.

Tomorrow is a special day. Three of Wyatt's friends are turning two..Happy Birthday! Plus, Gigi and Papa are celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary...Happy Anniversary! We all love you both. Grandma and Pa return from Florida...hopefully rested and relaxed.

I loved being home with Wyatt this I love that little boy...he is joy to me. I also got a couple of jobs done around the house. A special thank you to our niece who has become Wyatt's #1 and favorite babysitter.

Have a great week...may it be full of blessings for you all.