Sunday, June 28, 2009

6 Months and Counting!

Can it be that Wyatt is already a half of a year old? 6 Months have just flown by for me. The baby weight hasn't flown off me yet, but I am sure any day now it will at least fall off. Ha. ha...right? Friday was the actual 6 month birthday of sorts...sorry I am late in blogging this...a busy and fun weekend. Actually before his check-up on Friday we saw 2 teeth coming in on the bottom; which explains all the drooling and slight (emphasis on slight) fussiness when trying to feed him a bottle occassionally. Two teeth! He is already an over achiever! (Takes after his not saying it yet, but any day know I am sure.) Are you ready with your estimate on weight and height? [See a couple photos down for the answer!] Since, he had to have shots at his Dr. appt. - I decided he need to have a treat and experience his first fruit! Banana. Not sure if he loved bananas or is a "ham" for the camera now.

First taste of bananas!

6 mos - 20 lbs, 15 oz...28.5 inches long!
Yes, you read those stats correctly...he beat out the 9 month old girl that was ahead of us at the doctor by a wide margin...both the doctor and nurse mentioned it to us. That's our boy! He is really doing great. He can sit up pretty good by himself...more confident each day. He grabs at more things...I believe he mimicks my sounds if I respond to his. He is so smiley and loves to laugh. Jumps in your lap like he is still in the Jumpster. Best of all = there is no better sound to hear while working in the another room or at the computer than to hear Ken and Wyatt laughing together.
How cute is this! I love my guys.

Not sure what this week will entail, but I can't wait to spend it with Ken and Wyatt.

The Fourth of July is almost here...hope yours is SPECTACULAR!

*If you read our blog regularly...many thanks! We would love it if you became one of our followers.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Approaching 6 Months...

We had a nice and busy Father's Day. Wyatt woke up at 6ish and we discussed our strategy on how we would pamper Da-Da. Our signs and post-its were already in place for Daddy to view first thing. We decided to start Ken off with warm sticky buns, coffee and the Sunday paper...not to mention our gift of the TofuXpress. (Ask Ken for details if you don't already have one.) A must-have for all Dad's! We then headed to church and back home for a quick change into casual wear and bite of sweet potatoes for Wyatt. Then we were off to Grandma and Pa's for a Father's Day brunch with my side of the family. After a delicious and fun afternoon we ducked home for a another fashion change and Wyatt's dinner before we had a lot of laughs and wonderful Father's Day dinner with GiGi, Papa and Payton. Since the scenery was beautiful we snapped a few photos to remember Ken's First Father's Day...and since we forgot to capture the moment on Mother's day I stepped in for a "Kodak Moment" myself.

This week we take Wyatt for his 6 month doctor's appointment so feel free to guess what his weight or height might be...and check back to see if you were close.
Wyatt loves his Jumpster...he probably only has a few more jumps before we have to retire it or get a home with larger door frames because he is already too tall. Ken and I are so jealous because it just looks like so much I took of few pictures of him enjoying it. Also, you will notice how exhausting all that jumping can be. Too cute.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Broadening Our Palette!

Squash! I am happy to report Wyatt still LOVES my cooking...ha. ha. The initial spoonful of squash was received with a big smile. Wyatt is definitely a squash man...butternut squash. We had been feeding him in his bumbo which he loves to sit in and admire the feet that God has given him. We fed him at my parent's house at the end of last week and my Mom witnessed our frequent frustration to get him to look up at us. The experience and wisdom then flowed...'try the seat that reclines back' like the one she used with me. Well, IT IS A MIRACLE! All around it is easier and I am happy to say he now opens his mouth like a little bird! Feeding him takes no time and we hope this pattern continues. We documented eating squash for the first time in case we would get a funny never know what he will and won't like. So enjoy a few photos of his first taste of his 2nd veggie.


Honest Mom...I love it!

Is that a pink spoon?
My Mom made more want some?
No worries we won't post every veggie only the funny ones from here on out. Squash and green beans are definite winners. I must mention that Wyatt is "milestoning" as I blog this...he went to bed at (drum roll please) 8:30 pm and has yet to wake-up. An hour EARLIER than his usual time that we were still getting used to...hmmm. Will this last? Will he wake up at 5:30 am? Time will tell.
Wyatt is about 2 weeks away from his 6 month birthday and time has flown by. As I dress him in mostly 9 month clothes...I wish time would slow down a bit...he is growing so fast. Don't get me wrong, I am anxious to hear him speak his first word or take his first wobbly little step...but I love how he sleeps in your arms and is super excited to see me when he wakes up. Yes, I am a sappy new Mom that knows I will never have enough time to just hold him. Wow, this is long...see what happens when I have time!

Hope you all have a great week. To all the Father's that read this...Happy Father's Day!

To Wyatt's Dad...Happy 1st Father's Day...we LOVE you and thank God for you and all you do for both of us everyday!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Believe it or not...Wyatt had green beans for the first time on Sunday, June 7th. Since, my Mom loves green beans it is only fitting that Wyatt should have his first taste on their 46th wedding anniversary. Another factoid, Wyatt's Mom made his green beans...we are talking steaming them and using the food processor attachment to our blender. I can make baby food! Its true! Super easy, fast and affordable. He is so cute, but he does not like to open his mouth when either Ken or I have a spoon in our hand. I was shocked...still am when he opens up to let in green beans! We of course documented the event...hope it makes you smile.

What is this?

Men eat beans, right?

Finger-lickin' Good!

Mommy made this?

I'll pray for green beans every night!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

We're Rolling Now!

Milestone achieved! Wyatt ROLLED OVER last night (06/03/09) for the FIRST TIME...for Gigi and Pappa! He did it again for Mom and Dad when we came to pick him up and again twice today for his photo shoot. It is amazing. He only does it from his tummy to his back, but will roll either way. No doubt a sign of a genius. Here are a few photos...he is so quick for a beginner.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Any Day Now...

This past Saturday was blissful...nowhere to go and nothing to do. Wyatt and I took a long “Walog” (walk-jog...more walking than jogging), but it was heavenly. He slept and I enjoyed the blessing of walking close to home, hearing the birds sing and enjoying the sunshine! Am I getting too corny? Anywho, Saturday night Ken and I were working in our home office and Wyatt was on a playmat on the floor...enjoying his freedom and stretching out. Ken and I both noticed him arch his back and leg to the point where he was pretty much on his side. We looked at each other thinking the same thing...'could this be the day?' Ken grabbed a toy to see if he could get him to roll over...trying to capture all those Kodak moments…I ran to get the camera...just in case. Not yet...but we are very close to the close...the camera is ready for it! Here are a few I snapped just tonight. Maybe this week...we shall see.

This week won't be boring because our niece graduates from 8th grade! She is INCREDIBLY smart and talented so there is no doubt in our minds that she will be at home in high school. We are so proud of her.

This coming Saturday we have a BBQ with friends and Ken’s Middle School Reunion!

Have a great week!