Tuesday, March 30, 2010

15 Month Check-up!

Today, I took Wyatt for his 15 month check-up. Seeing the little babies in the waiting room helps put it into perspective as he walks from chair to chair. Wow...the last year has flown by. He did great despite two shots and having to sit in a diaper for a half an hour while someone measures you etc. It was a proud moment for me as I described his vocabulary for the doctor and then he started repeating the words after I said them. Then in the waiting room another Mom was amazed with his talking. Wow, how did going to the doctor for him get fun for me. Anywho...here is the latest stats on Wyatt.

Height: 32 1/8 inches (75-90th Percentile)

Weight: 24 pounds, 11 ounces (50-75th Percentile)

The above video is for everyone who is interested in seeing how fast he is in getting around now. The ending is for Gigi and Papa...we miss you! Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ahhh Spring...is it?

An absolutely beautiful day! The sun was shining and living steps away from a park will definitely have its advantages in the months to come. Wyatt and I enjoyed WALKING to the pond to look at the ducks and stopped by the park to enjoy a ride on the swings.

Wyatt is still teething (you wouldn't know it except for the desire to put everything in his mouth) and Ken and I thought this was humorous - chewing on a choo-choo.

There is one thing about Wyatt that really reminds me of Ken and I want to mention it before I forget to write it down. Wyatt just cracks himself up...laughing about something that he believes is hilarious and this really resembles Ken to me. This weekend they both did (separately), but only hours apart and I just couldn't believe how much Wyatt resembled Ken at that moment...he does it all the time...I was just distracted by the cute laugh to notice it. How is Wyatt like me? Hmm...he is a dream child. Ha. Ha. Okay...okay...he sucks his thumb and LOVES his stuffed animals. No doubt my influence. You can hear him in his crib laughing and talking to his animals. That he definitely gets from his Mom.

This is his new favorite past-time...here carrying a chicken, but will carry an animal or object for tours or laps around our coffee table. He is on the move! He is now walking steps by himself - only a few at a time but more often. It is surprising to look up and see him walk across the room without holding on to a wall or piece of furniture. It is so nice that he really does listen to me when I ask him to do something...sometimes he does it anyway, but most of the time he listens and does what I ask...at 14+ months...incredible! Wyatt's vocabulary is absolutely extraordinary. He is putting words together now and said "Hi, Ma-Ma" to me on the phone earlier this week. Melts my heart just to think about it. He will try to say anything. Latest word - "airplane." I am working on a list so I may post that soon.

This week a possible first...a haircut. Yes, I have cut his hair, but I think it is time to get it cut by a professional. Plus, it is time to shop for his Easter outfit. Time is flying.

Have a great week!