Saturday, February 20, 2010

Teething Gold Medal!

This week has been busy, but by the grace of God we...okay I made it through. I am sure some of you might be saying, "huh?" Well, Ken is back to work at the Hinsdalean (PRAISE) and I am still working three days in the city and from home two days a week. However, this means that I am doing it solo for the first time ALL day long. Wyatt is close to walking solo, but was gracious to me this week and was so incredibly good. He is usually a fabulous napper (two a day at two hours each), but this week has decided to do one at an hour and skip the other entirely. Today, he was back at two at about an hour and half each so I am hoping he is back to his old schedule. Anywho...working and watching a 1-year old is a bit challenging, but I am blessed with a little boy who will play independently while I work...phew.

We are anxiously awaiting a visit from Gigi and Papa as they will be home next week from Florida. So, of course I need to do a post before they come home so they won't question their decision to come home to all the snow they are predicting and to leave a warmer Florida climate.
So, thankful that Wyatt is over his at least two week cold. However, he is teething and he verified it when we saw him chewing on the knobs of our coffee table (we have trays that pull out on the sides)!

One of my favorite things to hear is Wyatt's laugh...I'll will do crazy dances and sing some wacky made-up songs to hear it. Sorry, that will never make it on video if I have anything to say about it. ha. ha. So, when we realized that my cheering "USA" for Shani Davis during one of his olympic races today made Wyatt laugh hysterically we had to capture it. I must say for the video I tried to do it quietly so you will just hear him laughing. Dare you not to smile or laugh...

Thinking we only had limited chances to go sledding before the snow was gone we took Wyatt out sledding last weekend and took this photo. More snow coming? Not so good for the adults, but we will have to have him experience the snow coming down instead of waiting for it to stop and then sledding on it.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, February 8, 2010

We are a SIPPY CUP household!

Saturday, February 6, 2010...Milestone achieved! Praise! The boy who decided on his own to ditch the pacifer was a bit stubborn about the sippy cup. There was no doubt in my mind that he knew how to drink out of it...he just chose not to do it. I believe he thought if he chewed on the lids that it would count in my eyes. Sweet but sorry no. He liked drinking juice out of the cup, but struggled to let go of his good pal "ba-ba" when it came to drinking milk. Do I wish he liked the "non-spill" sippy cups...yes! His cup of choice is the free flowing (especially when they hit the floor) tupperware sippy cups that will easily transition to just the colored cups when he is ready to just drink out of the cup. Actually, he is quite good at that with assistance. Once we are super confident, I will re-introduce the other models in hopes that our "non-spill" friends will be a welcomed addition to Wyatt's sippy cups of choice.
Wyatt is saying new words at what seems to me at "genius speed," but I am a bit bias. His favorite and immediate word the minute he gets into his high chair is "cracker." He loves them and would make a meal out of them if I would let him. I just love to hear him say it. I thought you all might as well.

It is the small things that can be so incredibly joyous! Mine just happens to now walk, talk and drink out of a sippy cup! Not to mention has a laugh that would make your heart sing.

Have a great week!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Growing Up Sooooooooooo Fast!

I am still trying to take that "perfect" photo for my Dad to represent the fun and love Wyatt has for his horse. He is constantly riding it with the blinds open watching the snow fall or the cars go by.
So, far the photo above is just too funny not to share it.

Believe it or not this is the photo that is to show Wyatt eating his first jelly sandwich (or blueberry perserves),
but it was gone before I got the camera.

These two photos represent Wyatt's favorite activity...
playing on Mommy and Daddy's bed.

Our floors have yet to wear out, but I thought you all might enjoy these two very short videos.
Could walking alone be in the near future?