Tuesday, January 26, 2010

College Fund?

Many friends have encouraged us or suggested that Wyatt should model...especially after the hat and scarf shots on a previous blog. Well, we did enter him in a local tv baby contest which was sweetly supported by our circle of friends last year. We were not planning on entering any more contests, but many have suggested that we enter him in the Parenting Magazine and Regis and Kelly Baby Contest to win a college scholarship. At first, I smiled and appreciated the compliments that many thought we would have a chance with all the beautiful babies out there. I asked Ken what he thought...and we decided that for a such a large college scholarship it was worth a photo submission. So, we did it...we entered him in the contest today and we shall see if it goes anywhere...God's plan. So, if you watch Regis and Kelly in the morning...you may just see Wyatt.
FYI: I am making up for lost time in my posting. Please see the blog archive posts for January on the right hand side to read the other three blogs that I posted tonight.

Hi, Snowbirds!

Many people wonder and ask..."who does Wyatt most take after?" Hmmm. My vote lately would land on Ken. These photos will show you just how much. Without a doubt, one of Wyatt's most favorite past time is reading. Ken could read multiple books at a time. I like a good book myself, but Wyatt can't read enough and that is just like his Dad. The Elmo books especially the "So Big" book that Gigi and Pappa gave him rank at the top along with "Goodnight Gorilla." Dr. Seuss and his fabric books are strong leaders as well...I could go on. We have a basket full of books that he is constantly reading.

Is this too cute!

Reading is just fun!

Sundays...Dadda is reading and so is Wyatt. Priceless.

Ken's parents have returned to Florida for the winter and we miss them! So a big cyber-hug to them and I will do better to post weekly.

No More Formula!

At the end of December Wyatt was given the "okay" to drink milk. Praise! So this is a photo of him finishing his last bottle of formula. He made the "switch" without incident. Yet another example of how lucky we are to have such a good baby. He also stopped using his pacifer on his own right at Christmas. No need for the Pacifer Fairy to come. Wow. Now if only the sippy cup would be well received. Loves to chew on it, but drinking...nahhhhhhhhhh! Feel free to send me your tricks and tips on how to get a toddler to drink from a sippy cup.

The Birthday Party!

My own pony! Thanks Pa!

A couple more photos of the party. My Dad (Pa) made him a rocking horse. It is beyond beautiful and you know any boy named Wyatt loves his horse. He loves to ride on it and Ken has taught him to say "yee-haw" well his version of it. I will try to capture it on video soon. He loved his cake and even thought it would be good for the hair follicles. Thanks to GiGi (Ken's Mom) we have these photos. Enjoy!

Messy and loving it!

Before the mess...the singing!

What pony's don't like cake? I'll have his piece!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy New Year to you all! It will probably take me the entire year to post the photos from Wyatt's birthday party and of him enjoying all his gifts. Here he is enjoying the largest truck his Uncle could find! He is all boy and loves it. It is a dump truck that holds large legos and anything he can find to put into it or you can lift up the back and it serves as a back rest while he rides it!
We went to the doctor this past week and I am sure you would like to check your guess as too how big he actually is...
Well, I thought it would be fun to compare his
2008 New Year stats to his 2009 Dec. 30th stats.
2008: 22 inches long, 7 pounds and 6 ounces.
2009: 30 and half inches long, 22 pounds, 12 ounces!

Wyatt enjoying the hat and scarf Ken's Aunt Phyllis made him!

"Thanks Aunt Phyllis...I love them!"

This is a daily sight in our home...Wyatt now does laps around the coffee table. He is all about being in motion! If he isn't walking he is crawling or pulling himself up on everything. Also, we love milk...no more formula buying for us. PRAISE!
Hope you all are enjoying your New Year holiday weekend! Blessings to you all in the year ahead.