Saturday, February 26, 2011


Well, this photo could say it all...after three long years without a significant vacation we were lucky enough to be invited to Florida. A popular question asked is how was your weather? Well, in a word PERFECT! I have never been on vacation were the weather was better...80 degrees and sunny everyday. Absolutely heaven.
To say I was nervous to fly with Wyatt is an understatement. I realized I just needed to let go of the anxiety as I couldn't control what would happen and I just need to roll with it. Our plane left on time and even made time in the air so we landed early. Our only issue was changing Wyatt in the airplane bathrooms. I could probably blog about this separately and I can see the humor in it now...that it is over. Changing a toddler on a plane is the perfect kind of torture and add-in that your two year old is horrified by the idea does not make it any easier. Yes, my laid back toddler hates to have his diaper changed in most places. Finding the bathroom with the small tray table was the first challenge. While waiting for that bathroom to become available Wyatt was crying and everyone else waiting thought we were in the back of the plane to console him. Once inside, Wyatt made it clear that he was not laying down anywhere. Can't say I blame him. After singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" multiple times - I had to change him standing up (not my first time) and found out that he did not need changing after all the drama. Are you kidding me I ask him. I just had to laugh. Ahhhh yes. I guess I needed that time I think Ken will enjoy it. LOL.
We landed and after some late lunch we headed to the beach for a our first glorious sunset. Ken was able to play some golf on the trip and Wyatt enjoyed everything! Just wearing shorts and being outside was the best. I must say I rather apply sunscreen than wear a coat and gloves any day. The warmth and the sunshine was blissful. Just to see sunshine, green grass and blue skies everyday was glorious. It was just fun not to worry about having to be anywhere and to just be outside. Wyatt did wonderful with the time change and napping/sleeping in a pack-n-play.
We were invited on a friend's boat to take a ride and we found out that Wyatt loves boats as much as we do. The day was beautiful and we were so thankful to enjoy the day with such amazing family and friends and make some fabulous memories for Wyatt.
Don't you just love the hat!

The guys were able to drive the boat.
Wyatt loved the horn and still talks about it.

This was a common face...I guess he needed his own sunglasses.

Too cute.

We even saw some dolphins!

Boating in paradise is exhausting!

Look at me I am on vacation!
On our last day we had to make sure we went back to the beach to see the sunset. Wyatt saw some older boys make a sandcastle and wanted to make one. So of course we did. It was a family project. Below is the finished product and some photos of the making of...

Wyatt's favorite part was washing off the seashells before placing them on the castles.

So how big can we make the sandcastle?
I brought my truck.

Daddy are you sure the wall is big enough to protect the castle?

Ahh to use your rake in the sunshine on the beach!
Probably not our Christmas card, but it was nice to get a family photo to remind us a wonderful vacation.

The ride home on the plane was just this easy. I couldn't believe he fell asleep and stayed asleep for almost half the flight.

Why was I worried about Wyatt flying?

Wyatt saying goodbye to Florida and enjoying the airport.

To everyone who made our vacation possible...we can't thank you enough!
We hope you all are blessed as you have blessed us.
It was just what we needed. I REALLY needed it.
Counting down the days until it is like Florida here.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

We hope you all had a great Valentine's Day! Having a lil' voice tell you "Happy Valentine's Day Mommy" is really priceless and just the best gift. I must say leaving Wyatt three days a week to go to work has been easier because he spends time with my Mom and she loves him almost as much as I do so that is such a blessing. It always pulls at my heart to say good bye to him as I get out of the car to board the train into the city. This week especially was priceless as I opened the back door as I usually do and he tells me, "its slippy Mommy be careful" and I assure him I will and I kiss him and say I love you and he looks right at me and says, "I luv you, Mommy." My heart melts just thinking about it. I am beginning to transfer over to Mommy on occassion from Ma-Ma. A couple occassions I have been Mom which is just too soon to hear so I tell him it is Mommy. I only have a couple years to enjoy it so I don't want him to skip over it.

Wyatt's valentines were very generous to him this year so many thanks! He loved everything. The photo above shows what Ken and I got him for Valentine's Day. I must admit that it was kinda of selfish that we got him a backpack. I have a diaper bag that I have despised for awhile now and I am anxious to let it go so 'hippity hoppity" is a welcome site. What is so surreal is to see him wearing it because he looks like he is ready for school and so grown up.

May you all feel loved today!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Out and About...

We ventured out! The photo above is from our walk/sledding excursion this past weekend; however, the sledding was pretty much non-existent although Ken did give Wyatt a short ride. Our sidewalks no longer exist so we had to stick to the streets which were in great shape. The snow is over Wyatt's head so unfortunately he couldn't play in it.
The flu is behind us . Although, we walked right into new molars! At least, that is my assumption since eating certain "favorite" foods is now not happening. I try to look in, but Wyatt has not approved a viewing of any new teeth at this time. Eating has never been issue for us so my heart goes out to those who encounter this on a daily basis as I am assuming our small challenge will be short lived as he is teething. One unusual side affect has us scratching our heads so if this is common please let me know. Wyatt has these bouts of blotchiness. All of a sudden redness will appear on his cheeks or anywhere on his face and as soon as it comes about it will leave just a suddenly. It is weird enough to freak you out, but since it is very fleeting I tend not to worry about it too much. Since it is on his face I would like to think it is related to the teething.

Okay, yes it is past Christmas but Wyatt loves his Santa shirt and requested to wear it and since we are in a winter wonderland I thought Santa would appreciate a little face time after Christmas. Anyway, Wyatt got a Mr. Potato Head and well he likes to wear his glasses. Believe it or not it happens daily. It is amazing how a toddler will use the pieces to a Mr. Potato Head...eyes to fix cars, hats to adorn his stuffed animals...etc. I have also found that Wyatt loves to be in the kitchen. Now if I could just figure out how to hold him and make dinner at the same time.
Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"It" Arrives at Our House…in more ways than one.

Last Friday, it came to our house and for about a month I had known we were living on borrowed time. What am I talking about? The flu. Yes, Ken and I were out with our small group when the bug arrived so we rushed home to relieve our #1 Babysitter. Nothing can compare to that feeling of knowing your “baby” (Yes, he will always be my baby even now that he is officially a toddler.) is ill and you can’t do anything to stop it. Wyatt is a trooper and was in good spirits considering…luckily it was the weekend so it didn’t truly “rock” our schedule. It is weird to tell your two year old that he can’t have milk or fruit…etc. and know you are giving him awful news. I felt like I was on pins and needles all weekend just waiting for "it" to turn its ugly head again and again. We survived…maybe I should say I did…I think I was the one the most stressed about it. Did I mention that he never had a fever and hit his head about an hour and half before we left on Friday night so we had to call the doctor for a consult to make sure it wasn’t a head trauma of some sort. Ah, yes…a first time Mom. Add in a couple calls to Grandma to double check that my thoughts on what to feed my patient were actually a good idea. Grandmas are priceless and excellent consultants. Anyway, we are back to milk and starting back on regular foods. Whew. Wyatt did have a first…he tried his first popsicle. It took a bit of coaxing but I believe he likes it and will try it again.

What end do I start with?

The orange popsicle was his favorite.

As you can see in some of the photos need to try both flavors…just to make sure.

Well, the blizzard hit us full force so stay tuned for Wyatt enjoying his first blizzard's snow. I had hoped to include images of him outside, but when a two year old watches the wind at 50 mph he decides that he won't be putting on his snow pants. So, we hope to get better images of him outside this weekend. In the meantime, here is what I saw when I ventured out and the one above of Wyatt from the window.

Over 18 inches!

It was going on noon and still no plowing on our streets.
Residents started to use their snow blowers in the streets.

This is outside our garage that leads out to the street.
Believe it or not this pile of snow is right in the middle of the street.

We had power and heat (praise), but lost cable and internet from about 9 pm on Tuesday night till 5 pm on Wednesday night. We were thankful to be in a condominium because we don't have to do any shoveling. However, the entrance to our garage is still piled high with snow. So, all in all not a bad blizzard.
Many people commonly ask me what is Wyatt learning these days. Well, we are working on the alphabet by recognizing and associating letters to words. For example: U = Uncle Matt or Uncle Kurt. D = Daddy or Doggie. M= Mommy. It is remarkable how he is starting to associate with the different letters. Numbers too…it is fun to see him recognize a number in the weather report on tv or in a magazine/newspaper. Wyatt’s imagination has really taken off as well.

Hope you all can see how you are blessed this week. Having a heated home and able to work remotely are big blessings in my life that are precious to me this week!