Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Did you guess dinosaur? Many thanks to friends for loaning us this adorable costume...Wyatt is a dinosaur for his first Halloween. We already went trick-or-treating at our cousins and plan to make a few more stops after nap time this afternoon. It is quite chilly and windy today, but the sun is shining at times so that is nice.

We hope you all have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today, we started with a seasonal flu shot (not H1N1) and Wyatt was not affected by the shot (God bless that nurse), but he did not like the fact that he had to lay down to get the shot and get weighed (start guessing his weight the answer will be under one of the following photos). We will go back after Thanksgiving to get his follow-up booster shot. The only after affects to the shot or for today was that he would not nap...just played in his crib. He went to bed at 7 p.m. so maybe he is just ahead of the time change. Hopefully that will mean an easy day for Grandma tomorrow. today a shot, we lowered his crib because pulling himself up is not far off, and finally I CUT his hair! I have been talking about it and procrastinating because I was worried that he would look like...well, that "I cut his hair." Wyatt needed a bath so I thought hopefully the rubber duck would keep him occupied. Worked pretty well. Well, you be the judge...but I am pleased that he still looks good...could I be a baby stylist? ha. ha. Hmmmm...

Have you guessed his weight yet?

It was a quick weigh-in but he is now over 23 pounds.

I also made homemade natural applesauce...with many, many thanks to Maryann my co-worker who generously gave us apples from her trip to Michigan and to Gigi and Pappa who contributed many as well. If you don't mind peeling them (thanks Ken for helping - it made it go by so much faster). It really is a piece of cake to make if you have a crockpot...I really need to make more in that magic pot. It was done after Wyatt was done eating, but tomorrow he will get his first taste and I must say...Mmmmmmmmmmmm!

I joined facebook this week - yes it is true. It is fun to reconnect with friends and family that I rarely get to talk to and it is amazing to know what is happening with all of them when they are hundreds of miles away. I believe my cousin in Texas read this blog and was humored by Wyatt's sleeping style. She wondered if Wyatt had a monkey...well...of course...but believe it or not it is because of his cousin Mary has given him two of his BEST friends (Maynard = the large monkey and Dangles = the small guy in the photo below). Growing-up my cousin shared a love of stuffed animals like I monkey was white and named Flake (his nickname from Snowflake) and his was my favorite and traveled with me to college. So, I took a photo of Wyatt's pals for her!

Tomorrow, Wyatt goes to his first Halloween party! Don't worry I won't forget to blog on or before Halloween with Wyatt's first costume. Have a great Friday!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Anything BUT Milk!

I am going to try to blog more since Gigi and Pappa are in Florida and will be checking-in to see what excitement we have going on here. So, I will do my best to add new and fun tidbits.

Every night, I check on Wyatt countless times before turning in myself. Seeing his sleeping positions are so funny. Prior posts can attest to that as well. I told Ken that we needed to take a photo of him sleeping with his legs up on the crib slats. You really can't enjoy it unless you see it so I finally documented it so he would know when he is older the common way he fell asleep. Too funny.

Now that Wyatt is ten months old it is really fun to see him pass milestones so quickly by learning daily. Feeding him is so entertaining...we can break off pieces of bread or give him puffs and he will eat them by himself with ease. My Mom treats him to Cheerios and tells me he is excited at the sight of the box. One of Ken's favorite things to feed him is pieces of banana and Wyatt LOVES it! I tried giving him parts of a grape and he ate it with veteran speed. Cheese is next...that texture should be entertaining.

More banana - Da-Da!

This Thursday, Wyatt will get his flu shot so pray we have the nurse that we had at our last pediatric crying with our last shot so here's hoping for a repeat performance.

Halloween is Saturday...have you guessed what Wyatt will be? Hmmmm.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Sorry for the lapse in blogging. This Sunday, we all walked in the CROP Walk (walk for hunger) with a few teens from YoungLife (christian outreach for teens) as Ken has been volunteering with them. Many thanks to all who supported us in our walking whether it was financially ($250!) or in prayer. We had an absolutely beautiful day which was welcomed after the awful cold and rainy weather we have been enjoying. Above you will see my handsome co-walker and roller!

Wyatt's front teeth are now visable and coming in nicely. He will look different next month when they are all the way in. Is this photo priceless...I caught him doing it!
Hmmm...hungry? Wah.

He is also a grinder...yes...hibbie jibbies for me to hear him grind the bottom and top teeth together even though they are not full in. Wah. I deserve it though because when I was guessed it! I am a recovering teeth grinder.

We have been blessed by the outpouring of love to Wyatt as we had not needed to buy him clothes. This is true. Just a few things here and there. was time and this past week, Wyatt and I picked the sqeakiest shopping cart at Kohl's and were on a mission for pj's, winter clothes and a jacket and snow pants. No shoes in his size, but the sale was awesome. Footie pajamas and some fleece sweats etc...and we were heading home with a bag full of goodies. He was great in the store so he must be a mall baby too...we shall see.
My brother and his family gave Wyatt a set of pajamas for the season...Halloween that is...our lil' monster is so adorable.

Hope your day is blessed!
We are also lucky enough to borrow a Halloween costume from friends so I will try my best to do a trick or treat blog on Halloween. Ken and I both doubled over in laughter to see him in costume. Half the fun is the anticipation...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Having a Ball!

October is here...the air is crisp and fall has least that is what Wyatt tells me as he looks into his crystal ball. Ha. Ha. Seriously, this is a common view as Wyatt enjoys his exersaucer. He is our studious one. This is how I know he takes after Ken...he loves to study people, objects...everything! How do they get those little balls in with the fish? Hmmmm...
Saturday, Wyatt and I found ourselves inside for the day...too crummy to go outside at all. So, I got out his new favorite toys (many thanks to my co-worker and her boys for giving them to us - the fun lives on) and was amazed when he picked up a ball and placed it in the hole that it is to fall thru. Okay...he didn't let go of it, but he placed it there enough times that I was able to get this photo. I was ready to capture the moment! It didn't happen, but if you let go of the ball you can't readily suck on it. Makes sense, right?

Ken and I can see the little boy emerging daily...his laugh is so infectious it is crazy. How is it possible to love someone so much....a love that is just indescribable.