Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to Bloggin'

Hi! I am back...I wish I could say we were on vacation or something, but unfortunately nothing that exciting. Well, that is not entirely true. I had a birthday. Before I start on that...the first couple of photos were from August 11th...see I was trying to get photos to update the blog, but the "blogger" let life take over. So, those who visit to see if I wrote something new...thank you for your patience. Truly work has been crazy and that is no excuse except day and night it really has been hectic. Which is good for any consulting company with the economy the way it I am not complaining (at least not after the fact) if it means that my job is getting more secure by day. Did I mention having Ken home is heaven. Honestly, he is one amazing Dad and husband.

Wyatt agrees with me!

My birthday was Monday the 17th after I had worked through the weekend...I was happy that I had taken the day off! I awoke to awesome decorations, breakfast, flowers and presents! What more could a girl want? Yes, I still say girl! Stop laughing all of you that know the truth. Isn't Ken amazing...he is hiding some talents I didn't know about and plan to tap in the future. Seriously, do you see the balloon centerpiece! I am better about my birthday than I use to be. I can't even begin to tell you about people I pray for daily that are really struggling with health issues. Why would I think to shun a day that people sing to me, call me or send me cards (thank you to so many friends and family that filled my dining room table with birthday wishes) to celebrate my life! So...I have decided to always take the day off and enjoy it! I would like for it to be one of "our family things" that we do always.
I know I am not in many of the photos on the blog so for my birthday I had Ken take a photo of me and Wyatt. I think I will put more photos of me on the blog from time to time to remind me that I need to get back to my old self and to hold me accountable. Blah...Blah.

What did I do on my birthday? In two words = Kohler Spa! It was my birthday so I went all out. My Mom and I enjoyed the lavish pampering with a lemon drop pedicure. We never had masques put on our legs before...they love try it! I took my Mom because not only is she one of my best friends, but I love her more than I can ever express. She voluntary watches Wyatt and that is the GREATEST gift to me/us. So, there is no doubt she needs pampering too and I would not be here without her! (Give birth and you will definitely love your Mom in a whole new way.) I can go to work and never worry and know Wyatt is getting all the love in the world and that is priceless to Ken and I. Wyatt is so blessed with 4 INCREDIBLE Grandparents that just love and adore him. Who am I kidding...we ALL are blessed!
My Mom treated me to a fabulous lunch. Ken and I went out to dinner in Oak Brook at a restaurant that has incredible views of Chicago. So a lovely day that ended with a date with my handsome husband and not one meal to make or dish to wash!

This photo is just because he looked so cute...he sat for an hour in his bumbo, talked to me and helped me cook dinner. No joke! Did I mention I cut his hair. I should have video of it...with scissors...not an option with "Mr. Curiosity." Plus, it is not my gift and I was incredibly nervous that he would look awful. True story...I used my eyebrow shaper. It worked...thinned it out where it needed it...and it was like combing his hair...not a peep out of him. It took awhile and several sessions, but he looks better.

Isn't this the best. Even Brutus (stuffed dog) tried to mimic this move. Yes, Wyatt is now rolling over in his crib and sometimes falls asleep in fun positions. This was too funny not to document.
I see I got a bit winded so I will end it here and tease you with the subject for my next blog. Wyatt/Our Family's latest photo shoot at Sears.

Hope you all had a great weekend and were able to get some rest like we did!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Ahhh...Summer! It finally has arrived. Aunt Mary came to visit and so did the summer temperatures. Thanks to Gigi and Papa we were able to have a few firsts over the weekend. A new colorful and stylish bathing suit and a visit to the pool to keep cool. Sorry, I didn't know Ken was going to dive off the diving board or I would have had the camera in hand to capture it for all of you. Despite the photos...Wyatt had a great time in the kiddie pool. I think he thought it would be one place Mommy would not take the camera. Hard to believe that next year, we will be trying to keep him from running around the pool. photos of Shar in a bathing suit...yes that is correct...this blogger is in control! Ha. Ha.

Da-Da and Wyatt after the "big dive"...a perfect 10!

We had a great time over the weekend (many thanks to Gigi and Papa)...with family and especially Aunt Mary. It was so great to see her and catch-up. We are counting on her visiting again in October.

I had a milestone of my own and I am not afraid to mention it. It is not easy having a baby late in your 30's especially when weight loss has never been easy for me...a bigger challenge now more than ever. Anywho...I squeezed into shorts this weekend that I haven't worn since B.W. (Before Wyatt)! Yes...I think I did a dance or two. Squeezed is the primary word here, but I can breathe and sit in them! YES! Sizes (plural is correct) smaller than pants I wear to work...ah yes...clothes for women where you can wear a size 6 in one thing and a 14 in another. I can thank my squeezing due to practically two weeks of salads or baked potato dinners I had when Ken was in Japan. I am not near where I want to be size wise, but I am on my the grace of God. Now, if you see me you won't notice the difference but my shorts do and it helps with my self confidence especially with a birthday not too far off.

As you can see my blogging is back to once a week (I will try for more) with Ken back from Japan. Thank you all for the support and prayers while he was gone. Wyatt and I could feel them all...after all we SURVIVED!

Wyatt tidbits: He is teething again...not sure what teeth, but my guess is up top. He is rolling and will rock back on his knees although no crawling yet. He is babbling more than ever and practicing making high and low sounds. His new babbling word is Na-Na...many want to believe he is saying Ma-Ma, but it is clearly a "N" so maybe soon. He is a FABULOUS eater...I think we will be adding another solid food feeding soon to the two he is presently getting because he is just devouring his meals. Each day is a new adventure...can't wait to see what this week will hold.

Have a glorious week!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Da-Da is HOME! It has been awhile since I have posted mainly due to my work load. So, I have been sleeping when not at the computer...actually that is almost true. Anywho...Wyatt and I are just elated that Ken is back home. It was adorable to see how excited Wyatt was when he saw Ken. Da-Da is his personal rock star! Not much new with us. Wyatt is now getting up on his knees on occassion so I am sure crawling is not too far in the future. I am back to taking relaxing showers - I just don't know how single Mom's do it...they are truly amazing Mom's. I missed Ken...having him back is priceless to me.

This weekend Ken's Aunt is in town so we will be having lots of fun and family gatherings so we are looking forward to spending time catching up with her.

My Mom was incredibly generous with her time while Ken was away and moved her schedule around to accommodate mine, taking me to the train...picking me up...watching Wyatt...etc. etc. Wyatt and I felt so loved! Many thanks are the best!

Have a great weekend! Stay cool...