Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to everyone! As the sunsets on this Halloween, I consider it Wyatt's first really...since he had an opinion on his costume and we carved a pumpkin. As you can see "Plan B" was/is a Train Conductor/Engineer. Trains are a passion of his so it fits his personality as well as having a costume that is "fur-free." Although, trick or treating was not too easy to understand and going up to front doors was not a favorite part of Halloween this year. He did like meeting new people.

Wyatt as a Train Conductor/Engineer - 2010

Posing while standing still is always a challenge!

He has two little pumpkins that were a big hit!

I knew that this year we had to get a pumpkin and carve it. I wish I would have recorded Wyatt's expression when we lit the pumpkin and turned off the lights it was priceless!

Ken and Wyatt scooping out the "innards."

It's so ewww let me help.

Our finished product!

The Happy Conductor! The Hat makes the costume.

Trick or Treating at Grandma and Pa's!

We hope you all have/had a happy and safe Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Boo Hoo Hoo!

Happy Almost Halloween! Don't worry...I plan to post Halloween photos. Isn't this photo too cute. I still can't believe how old he can look in certain time flies. Okay this post is just a true toddler teaser. I planned ahead this year to get him a Halloween costume...I researched to find what I thought was the perfect costume to fit his personality or his current passion. Then I found what I thought was perfect...a dog costume. I got such a deal and when it came in the mail I was so proud of my shopping achievement and was so anxious to see Wyatt in it. Well, the furry costume looked so perfect...I was nervous about the head piece fitting since Wyatt leans towards a larger hat size. I went to put on the head piece and it was welcomed by Wyatt's alter ego that we quickly found out strongly dislikes fur head pieces. Slightly disappointed, I vowed to gradually warm him up to the costume idea. So, I started by wearing the head piece myself (are you picturing it...good because you are going to have to use your photos are available) and running around barking like a dog. He loved it, but it didn't convince him to try the head piece. It just made he want me to wear it more. However, I did convinced him to try the paws (hands and feet) on. I captured the fleeting moment.

Yes, in his pajamas and wearing only the paws. Is he smiling or humoring me?

Picture Wyatt in the paws and me in the head piece running thru our condo barking like dogs. Wyatt had a great time...okay true laughter and barking by both of us. Then he agreed to try on the head piece...ta da...a photo of the glorious moment. Okay, I convinced him to wear it. That lasted...hmmmm...a minute tops.

The head piece on and a smile!

Since that fateful day, I cannot get him to wear any piece of the costume. Under distress (backing away from me when he saw me with it) we did try on the suit and it was too large. Incredibly sad for the perfect costume, I hope it will be met with excitement next year so I went out to search for Plan B. Wyatt is weeks away from being two...less than 8 weeks! I must say the rumors are true...the terrible two's have peeked their way into our lives a little early. Not too bad, but we are so used to our mellow, laid-back Wyatt so it is a surprise to see him get frustrated and impatient when he doesn't get his way.

I hope Plan B is a hit...stay tuned!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Where does the time go? We are now in October and soon the holidays will be upon us. I am not ready! My blogging has gone sorry to anyone who follows us. I promise to do better so get ready for more postings.

We have been incredibly blessed as my boss was clearing out clothes that her son has out grown. Wyatt's wardrobe has multiplied and the clothes are so ADORABLE. (Including the one he has on in the shot above.) Seriously, wait till you see these outfits. Many, many thanks to their generosity and thinking of Wyatt.

Not much is new with us. We are just busy with everyday stuff. Wyatt weathered his flu shot better than his haircut (new photos coming - looks so much older). He loves to run now and knows his name and his ABC's. Grandma is taking him to the library to enjoy story time once a week and he LOVES to get new library books to read with her. Thank you Grandma! Wyatt also loves to find matches on his blocks. All his blocks have letters with illustrations on them and he loves to find the ice cream and find another to match it...or leafs or ducks....etc. It is so much fun to see him learning.

Tonight, I bought his Halloween costume...I know I was pushing it on timing. I tend to do that. Anywho, it was a fabulous deal so we shall see how it looks and if he will be willing to wear it. I know you are what is he going to be, right? Come will have to check back and see.

This coming the CROP walk. Thanks to all who have supported us...they say it is to be a beautiful day...74 is the predicted temperature. Have a great week everyone!