Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wyatt's Birthday Card is Famous!

Wyatt loves the preschool channel Sprout and every day they celebrate those having a birthday. So, I knew I wanted to see if they would celebrate Wyatt's especially since his birthday is the day after Christmas. I want to always make it special and to see yourself on tv has to make the year unique, right? We went online to see what we needed to do. They only accept "HANDMADE" birthday cards. As a graphic designer, I thought no problem I can make a really nice card and print it out. Then, after seeing the instructions I thought that is not handmade so I needed to go "old-school." I got out my glue, construction paper, markers, and stickers etc. and got to work. It took me way too long to make, but I was so invested I had to do it and see if it makes it on the air. I had to mail it 2 weeks in advance! I procrastinate so if you know me it was a piece of "love" the night before or should I say early morning of the mailing.

I actually woke up first on Wyatt's birthday and headed straight for the tv as the show starts at 8 am. The boys quickly followed. At 9:30 am we captured the 2nd round of the birthdays and as the video above shows...we were excited to see Wyatt's card was first! PRAISE! I could have cried at the sight of it. Actually, at first I had kind of forgotten what it looked like to be honest. I am still in awe that his card made it. I love how you can hear Wyatt over my exclamations commenting on the card. He really does appreciate it all which makes it so worth while to me!

I can't believe he is 3! Time flies!

Wyatt's birthday card makes it on tv!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

He's 3!

The holidays were CRAZY this year. You would think I would be used to the new routine of non-stop celebration, but I am not any better at it 3 years later. Ken is a saint to put up with me because I embody the word stress. However, the holidays were fabulous for us. Spending time with family is just the best because we are so blessed to have an amazing family support system.

Wyatt's birthday theme was picked: Mickey Mouse. I quickly chose denial! Waiting to December to order decorations etc. Having a birthday party the day after Christmas does pose some we do it all. Decorations, balloons and of course the cake. I did feel a bit of pressure after last year's truck cake. Several people kept asking me so what are you going to do this year for Wyatt's birthday. Yikes. I actually tried to steer Wyatt into picking Mickey as his theme and then once he did I thought he is a world-known character how are you going to match a three year-olds expectations...okay really my own. I quickly realized within the 2nd week of December that a Mickey cake pan is not available in stores when you need one. Plus, do I want to purchase one for one cake? I decided to give up on the pan and try to convince Wyatt that a "Mickey Ears" cake was the way to go. By the grace of God Ken's co-worker who has everything Disney heard of my plight and came to the rescue by lending us the pan. Okay...have the what! The internet helped in a big way. I also flew to the Wilton store (12/23) for the official coloring for the icing. To put it all in to perspective for you...I had finished our shopping very late in the evening on the 22nd. We need to do all our wrapping (team effort) on the evening of the 23rd. Which left me Christmas Eve to do the cake...not a problem...I can start it and finish Christmas night. We found out on the evening of the 23rd that we were having a showing of our condo mid morning. Yikes! I was lucky enough to bake one of the cakes before heading to church that afternoon and then on to a family dinner...which lead to this progress.

December 24, 2011 - Mickey Cake progress begins...

One chocolate cake Mickey...face down and crumb coated.

I know you are confused. Wait for it.

Christmas Eve night. I bake a white cake and his face is flawless! He earns the top layer.
Now, I am terrified to flip this cake on to the other. Ken offers but I knew if cracked in the process that it needed to be my fault. If you know what I mean. :)

I show Mickey's progress to Wyatt on Christmas day and he is not that impressed.

December 25 - Mickey's progress continues...

After a less than satisfied coloring of black with the official Mickey black coloring I go with the one store bought can that I had so I could only go so far at 2:30 am. Still needed more black icing and the face (skin tone) to go which was the part I was most nervous about.

December 26th - Mickey is finally done at lunchtime! Whew!

Ken ran out to get me more icing in the morning and I was able to mix up Mickey's skin tone which turned out great. However, my icing bag and tip or icing would't cooperate and looked runny so I had to literally paint on his face with a brush. By lunch time he was done with Wyatt climbing up in the chair beside me because he constantly wanted to be by Mickey when I was finishing him. He loved it and that makes it all worth it!

I worried about where to place the candle. In the end it had to be less about my cake-art and more about Wyatt's Birthday.

The video below all of his family who came over to celebrate. It was intimate and great! I really need to start planning for next year!

I will post some Christmas photos later on this week. I am doing things a bit backwards.

Hope you all have a glorious New Year!

Ours will start off with lots of new changes. Stay tuned.