Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy First Birthday - Wyatt!

(Wyatt enjoying his first birthday cake.)
It is hard to believe that Wyatt is now a year old! How fast the first year flies by. The joy in our lives overflows with his addition to our family.
Poor thing has his birthday the day after Christmas. Ken and I will always strive to make Christmas entirely separate from his birthday. No combo gifts unless that is his wish.
Feeling better...he was back to his old-self on his birthday. We had a family birthday party in the afternoon and our condo was packed full of fun and birthday wishes and presents! Wyatt loved having everyone sing to him. He loved his cake and so did his hair! Too cute. Ken decided that his birthday should be his first sledding experience. No coincidence that he got a red sled from his parents for his birthday. Since, we had a winter wonderland it was a perfect way to close the party festivities.

(Wyatt being pulled on his new sled by his cousin!)

Many ask me what is Wyatt up to here is a quick summary...Walking with assistance (really good at it around Thanksgiving). Crawling (the week before Christmas - rather walk)! Loves to pull himself up on...well anything he can! Wyatt's vocabulary seems to double weekly. He can now say: Mama, Da-Da, Gigi, Pappa, Pa, Bye-Bye, hat, apple, up, out and car. He can wave and do a couple sign language signs and of course tell you how old he is. He also loves to twirl his tongue. Genius, right? He gets it from Ken. Okay the tongue thing...I used to do that too.

This week, he visits the doctor for his one year check-up. Any guesses for height and weight?

Happy New Year! Blessings to you and your family!
I hope you will continue to join us on our journey in 2010.

Happy Holidays!

(This was our Christmas Card this year.)

December has been a whirlwind for us and I have been lack on my blogging. Please forgive the delay in posting. We hope you all had a glorious Christmas!

I am frequently asked if Wyatt ever cries...well I was tempted to delete these photos from the camera, but thought you all might get a kick out of seeing the pre-photos before getting the shot that we decided upon for our cards. I really thought we might not have a photo card this year, but luckily our cover boy just needed another Christmas accessory to turn the photo shoot around. Praise.
(Wyatt not enjoying our Christmas Card photo shoot.)

(This was a close 2nd for our card, but the hat and smile
combo made the other photo a winner!)

Ken and I realized that Christmas Eve and Christmas will no longer be a calm holiday for us. We enjoyed our Christmas Eve day...baking and doing last minute Christmas preparations/crafts. Wyatt was so good. We then went to our first Family Christmas Eve Service at our church (no more candlelight services for us for awhile) and had front row seats for an incredible service full of music and singing. Wyatt loved watching the band and the children perform. We then headed to Grandma and Pa's house for the evening.

During dinner Wyatt seemed tired so he had a nap as the rest of us finished dinner and had dessert. He woke up in good spirits, but was very warm and running a fever so we quickly opened presents and headed home where we were relieved that he no longer felt like he had a fever. So, into his pj's he went...he seemed hungry so I gave him some fruit and yogurt since he did not finish his dinner at my folks. Well, minutes after that snack he was sick and continued to be through the late hours of the evening. Nothing can prepare you for the helplessness you feel when your baby is sick. I told Ken that I thought it was a toss up between labor and his being sick. I'd rather be the one in pain. Seriously. I now have this incredibly empathy for Wyatt and Ken since Wyatt's birth. It is crazy...if they feel ill so do I...I know it is in my head, but I am not used to it. Ugh. I made it. Anywho, I was up with Wyatt thru the night. He woke up on Christmas morning in a better mood and obviously feeling better. No fever. I got my Christmas wish. Although, not feeling too comfortable because he can't tell me if he is still feeling ill. A morning nap, but not willing to take an afternoon nap and we were on our way to Ken's folks for Christmas. Wyatt did great and we had a wonderful time. He of course is spoiled by all his Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Many thanks to them all. We are blessed!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Winter is here!

Wyatt is not a huge fan of putting on the winter
garb, but isn't he cute!

Snow is in the we had to break out the warm coat and hat. I swear I can see him growing each day. Not to mention the talking. Saying new words ("up" and "out") and catching on to walking as well. Wyatt's laugh still is my favorite thing to hear and he is ticklish so it is easy to get him to do it. Reading is also a favorite past time....hmmm...a mini-Ken! He loved getting his Thanksgiving card from Gigi and Pappa. Have a great week!