Monday, April 26, 2010

16 Months Old!

16 Months old today...time really does feel like it is flying. 16 months came with a lil' drama. Wyatt woke up Sunday morning with his right jaw swollen back to his ear. I of course looked through my book to see what it could be. It said kidding. Ken and I decided to wait to call the doctor till today (Monday) to see if it was still swollen. Well, I called because he was still swollen; granted not as bad but still significantly swollen. After two call backs we all (doctor, nurse and us) are stumped. His doctor thinks it may not be out of the question that he has a molar coming in. If sucking your thumb non-stop is a sign then that must be it. Wyatt had no other symptoms so we will wait and see. By the time he went to bed tonight the swelling was down significantly as you can see in the photos.
This week, I am home with Wyatt all week...which I am relishing. I am still working on Tuesday and Thursday but I am off the rest of the week. Yeaaaa! Today we took a long walk and went to the park twice. He loves the swings and all things outside...even tasted the grass when I wasn't looking. I could get used to this schedule!
Wyatt enjoying the new pajamas that Ken got him.

I rearranged our kitchen so the tupperware is within Wyatt's reach instead of our food and you can see he loves his new toys...especially the strainer!
Have a glorious week! I hope to blog more since I will have a little more free time although my to-do list is getting longer by the day.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Growing up so fast!

This week has been full of moments like, "did he just say that" or did that just happen? The months just seem to melt together and before you know it you are brushing his teeth and chasing him around to get his coat and shoes on.

Wyatt is no longer biting my I am happy and proud!
This week, I had a Mom-moment that I decided to share to give you all a chuckle. I was taking a shower while Ken gave Wyatt his breakfast. I finished my shower and had slid the shower curtain open to reach for my towel when the door popped open and Wyatt was standing there. "Hi, Ma-ma!" Yes, you read that right. Our tall 15 month old can open doors! I have seen him do it a couple of times, but not every time was he sucessful so I had no worries. Luckily, I had not stepped out in ALL my glory so his innocence is still intact. I did have to call Ken to save me as Wyatt walked all the way in to see what Mommy was doing with the shower curtain as a towel. Too funny.
Well, tomorrow (Friday) is date night after 3 months...true! Have a great weekend!
Next week, my parents are going to Florida for a well deserved break and we pray some beautiful weather. I know Wyatt will miss Grandma, but we will get to spend the week together and I am excited to spend some fun and quality time just the two of us. God gave him the greatest laugh and I plan to hear it a LOT!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monkeying Around!

This weekend started off low-key, but a visit to Monkey Island definitely helped Wyatt let loose today. Even though he was too young to jump in the bouncy houses, climb thru the mazes or slide down the huge inflatable slides we did find the toddler side/size of things and he even played peek-a-boo with a nice lady from another party. Wyatt also enjoyed his first taste of chocolate with a delicous cupcake in honor of his nieces birthdays.

Wyatt loved the freedom! Monkey Island is HUGE and we could let him walk and go wherever he wanted...he LOVED it.

Here Wyatt had to convince Ken that he was too big to go in the bouncy house.

This week we noticed that Wyatt is now our drummer. (I will get a photo of this soon.) We have started to save small containers for him to play with and noticed that we have a drummer boy on our hands. I gave him one of my spatulas since he loves to be in the kitchen with us. Well, he started to partner the spatula with a plastic container and he enjoyed the noise so much that his play pan and spoon have also become part of the band. Another small tidbit from this week was too funny to me. Working from home twice a week, I am attached to my laptop and Wyatt has noticed the photo of himself on my wallpaper and he calls it "baby." So, every time I am on my laptop he needs to see the baby which has introduced the lesson of "that is you" which has helped with his love of mirrors. Also, he is doing a lot better with brushing his teeth. I think he is understanding that the brush is attached to Mommy's fingers and not to bite. Yea!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ahh, April!

Forgive the delay in posting, it seems like the days just melt into one another and before I know it weeks have passed by. Easter was a wonderful day and Wyatt enjoyed going to church and looking for plastic eggs (well, after he found out there were treats inside each egg). I was going to go all out and get him a basket, but then I thought his attention span is short and the egg hunt will last all day and it did. So, the basket will come next year when he is enthralled in the hunt. This year it was a bucket and he loves to carry it around and look thru it. The shovel is a big hit as well.

Wyatt discovering his Easter bucket!

Enjoying Easter at Grandma and Pa's! A one-year old loves to be the center of attention.

The above photo is Wyatt's most recent passion. SHOES! I thought it was cute that he found Ken's shoe and put his shoe inside. I am not joking when I say Wyatt is passionate about his shoes. He is constantly carrying them around....or mine or Ken's.

This photo above really doesn't do Wyatt justice. I work from home two days a week...a true blessing because we get to spend more time together that I just cherish. It is a challenge at times, but worth it. I commonly work at the dining room table and he loves to sit underneath and play peek-a-boo with me. He started to crawl out from under the table, but I was able to capture him just in time. He is walking so fast now it is amazing. Also, this month he can stand up in the middle of room without holding on to anything. It is so fun to just take a walk and hold his hand. He just loves being outside and pointing and naming what he sees. I am truly amazed by his vocabulary...he will try to repeat anything you say. Most recent words: umbrella, basketball, and tulips (his version is just too funny).

It has been too long since I posted a cute sleeping pose. Here Wyatt and his dog (Brutus).

Wyatt loves it when I clean..."more" he insists whenever I am done. Hmmm...maybe that is a sign. Ha. ha. Swiffer Dusters and Sweeper are his favorites. The photo above is not the best because of the light, but I had to capture the moment when he decided to can't start too early.
I hope you all are having a great week and are able to see the blessings in your life like I have today. Enjoy our warm weather. Loving this spring weather in Chicago!