Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Is It Summer Yet?

Life has been a little crazy for me lately so my apologies for anyone who checks to see if there are any postings. My plan is to get better as the posts are my way to chronicle Wyatt's childhood in a sense. So, I am going to go from more recent to past items in this posting.

Ah, the holiday weekend...it was a nice mixture of family and relaxation. Wyatt recently acquired a lawn mower thanks to a dear friend who found a deal and it is used inside and out! If you push or ride it he loves it. Sometimes the lawn mower doubles as a vacuum cleaner.

Memorial Day - 2011

As parade season is upon us...I asked Ken to make sure that Wyatt was ready to enjoy the ride that I loved as a child...riding on my Dad's shoulders. Considering how tall Ken is I knew that it would be awesome and the look and sound of joy and laughter that was expressed said it all. Wyatt loves being on Ken's shoulders and it will be the best seat on any parade route.

The key is to make sure Wyatt holds on!

Ahh...Jump Zone! Our small group met there to let our children play together and have fun. It was Wyatt's first time really to experience one and he took it all in. Mainly, he watched a lot. He loved to sit in the car video game chairs because of the steering wheels of course. Could this be a glimpse of the future?

Okay so you are wondering...did he love jumping or sliding down the huge inflated slides? Hmmm. Not so much. When one of the bouncy houses was absolutely empty I coaxed Wyatt to get in and got this photo. We will be back and I am sure as he gets better at climbing he will be more comfortable and more adventurous.

Wyatt is showing more signs of "being 2;" however, we are still blessed to have such an amazing little boy. I have signed him up for preschool for two days a week coming this fall. Wah! I think he will love it, but time is flying too fast for me. Right now, Wyatt is very into balls and running. He loves to be outside and mostly going to the park...climbing but not sliding down the slides. Swings have always been a favorite and release ultimate joy for him. He loves his Cubs hat and will just wear it around the house even in his pajamas. We got him some play tools recently and he is always fixing things around the house.

I am thinking about writing down the phrases I say to him that I never thought would ever come out of my mouth for example, "no lawn mowers in the bathroom."

Hope you all had a great May...we are looking forward to the summer!